Sunday, September 29, 2024

( me / me )

Wild Bull and Raven Are Friends.

Random # 111 = 216 in base-7; 2 + 1 + 6 = 9 lines

"second moon"

dung ball & skull-scarab
scant few weeks earth dancing

mega-juggler mouldwarp
no moment's pause foaming

asteroid arrested
would rather still mill past

if eyes caught the eight ball
anyone's yen alter?

forget what you gawk here

"Does this mean more werewolves?"

"Art that pretends it can see the truth and tell it is a lie, but that does not mean we should forget about the truth; what good art will do is to show the blinding effect of truth upon the face of the one who views it . . ."

--Gabriel Josipovici, ‘A Winter in Zürau’ via @timesflow


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