Tuesday, September 24, 2024

( me / via )

The Late September Dogs.

Random # 143 = 263 in base-7; 2 + 6 + 3 = 11 lines

i build my pyramid
from the inside out
i have ridden two monorails
the long shadows
at dawn whisper crisply
do you think my route
should include a redbrick detour
don't want to run out of coffee
before the last of the doughnut
the windows need wiping
on only two sides of the car

A book by the mountains.

the light shifts · on this lane between trees
tales of attacks · old music remembered
Poliespo · from the arras beckons
it will take some tacking · in a gale like this

barred from building · or tarrying long
whistle while · the whirlwind screws
& zap's exuviae · preside over lots
of broken off bricks · granulated gravel

sift then · with the nomad's curse
what you carry · cancels what you pass

Control Room.

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