Monday, September 30, 2024

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In Too Deep.

Random # 97 = 166 in base-7; 1 + 6 + 6 = 13 lines

  yelp amidst
halcyon murder
  as usual
the heart's ices
  burn · burn bright
the world's broken
  crystal clear
& all our claims
  to fixing
laughably fail
  we were close
awhile it seemed
  --not so much

Let There Be Light.

"A few days ago leaving Athens and as I sat on my seat on the plane and buckled up, a man and his wife, it turned out they were from Australia, were sitting next to me.
'Going home?' said the man to me.
'I wish I was,' I said.
A moment of silence.
'Do you know where I am from?' I asked.
'No,' their head indicated.
'I’m from Palestine, from Gaza,' I responded.
Their faces turned red with silence.
'Things are not good there, eh?' said the woman.
'No, there is genocide there. I lost a lot of relatives and friends. israel destroyed or damaged 70 percent of Gaza, same percentage of the refugees in Gaza. Israel destroyed the border crossing point. No, things are not good there.'
I turned my head and looked through the window. My heart was not feeling good.
After 4 hours, we landed. I checked the news and found out that a school in Jabalia was bombed. 15 people got killed, many of them were mothers preparing for next day lunch. Next day was Friday, a day when family members in Gaza gather around the same food table (no table these days) and eat from the same tray.
One of my sisters was in a school next to that one. She was not harmed. The bomb smoke forced her and her children out of the class. She went to that school and saw flesh and bones. She felt harmed.
No, things are not good anymore." --@MosabAbuToha

Top 50 Works of Medieval Literature.

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