Sunday, September 01, 2024

( me / via )

"The notion of belonging is wrapped up with this poetics—a deep pessimism and melancholia, a belief that the fullness of meaning and the correspondence of all things was once present but has been drowned out by our own incompetence and unworthiness, our dereliction of our inheritance."

Random # 35 = 70 in base-7; 7 + 0 = 7 lines

wander into · dark waters
   brillig sky lingering
leave a trail · true to the journey
   blank where it is blank
   jet mistaken for thunder
simplify simplify · say the cicadas
   some of these endings you'll meet
you may even answer · your own questions
   quarry of the last pale glow

"For a time, he spoke exclusively in rhymes, 'but fortunately,' he wrote fifty years later, 'that period has passed'."

"Though he was an idler who might as well spend his time in the mountains as anywhere, he looked upon mountain climbing as almost a model of wasted effort. For that very reason it pulled at him with the attraction of the unreal." --Yasunari Kawabata, Snow Country (tr E Seidensticker, 1956)

"And I see that I have lived, more than I realized, in a sort of intimacy with ghosts that it was pleasant and yet a little dangerous to love."

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