Tuesday, October 08, 2024

( via / me )

NURBS_Z(180_deg); // animateChaos().

"Writing a book is just like reading a book except the book hates you" --@NC_Renic

"Henry Miller scrapped his manuscript and rewrote The Tropic of Cancer (1934) from scratch as soon as he finished Voyage."

Random # 304 = 613 in base-7; 6 + 1 + 3 = 10 lines

watch this fire awhile
then one that burns bordering
a weary bus'ness
landscape i lollygag through

crescent in the dark gray creel
lank crystal
nothing harrying here

the permanent ice irked
by human aims
drools in silver rivulets

" 'I am conscious of the facts of grief and poverty, and I think that no one should ever forget that they exist,' Notley told me. 'No poet has the right to'."

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