Wednesday, October 16, 2024

( via / via )

Woke up this morning.

i wasn't yet ten
when they threatened to expel me
for wearing a peace sign

all the wars since then

on a tall, tall tree

In the Garden of Souls.

"John Berger, on Simone Weil’s window:

'You stand at the window, you open it, you lean against the railing of the balcony on which no more than four pigeons could land, and you fly in imagination over the roofs and history.

It’s the exact height for flights of the imagination: the height of birds flying to the far edge of the city, to the walls, where the present ends and another epoch begins. In no other city in the world are such flights so elegant.

She loved the view from the window, and she was deeply suspicious of its privilege.' " --@lightinkpaint


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