Friday, October 11, 2024

( via / via )

"...the pull into discomfort..."

Random # 195 = 366 in base-7; 3 + 6 + 6 = 15 lines

world fast shedding the crowds & kinds of creatures
humans though are too wrapped up catching flickers
when they're not persecuting other humans
diff'ring but slightly

stepping out i see cars & naught else moving
stepping out from perusal long of myst'ries
here in order to please the restless viewers
versions of murders

play out over the filled & frothing channels
never how we might solve our pressing problems
never how we might make peace with our neighbors
only distractions

lies that feed our delusions of dominion
dreams that we could be cut off from our planet
world fast shedding the crowds & kinds of creatures

Bared Sanctorium.

"...The earth
Blush'd crimson in her flowers:--the lambkin winds..."

--J Stanyan Bigg

US Weapons supplied to Israel from Oct 7., 2023 - June, 2024.

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