Wednesday, October 09, 2024

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"What is simply happening is that 400,000 people in North Gaza have no way of leaving school shelters or what remained of their houses to get whatever food or water for their families.
What is happening is that hospitals have been ordered to evacuate.
What is happening is that anyone who go out in the street will be shot at by armed Quadcopters.
What is happening is that hundreds of people are killed and wounded with no ambulances being able to rescue, not only because it’s dangerous to drive now but because there is no fuel for ambulances.
What is happening is that you reading this and do nothing.
Do something! My own family is in danger!!!
Share this!
Take to the street.
This is about humanity. Palestinians have been oppressed and killed for years. We are living under occupation. There is no place that’s safe when you live under occupation. When this occupation is supported by the US and other European countries. Wake up!!"


"A group of Wikipedia editors have formed WikiProject AI Cleanup, 'a collaboration to combat the increasing problem of unsourced, poorly-written AI-generated content on Wikipedia'."

I'm in favor of wolves. Keeps the fairy tales real.

Excellent Simon & Garfunkel filk.

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