Friday, May 17, 2024

( via / via )

"...following Coleridge’s own often reiterated assertion that poetry is intrinsically serpentine, critics have hurried to churn out analyses of Coleridge’s creative praxis in those terms..."

"Where, indeed,
On this night lodging
Might I find; my hunting robes
Sash tightening; with the evening sun
Storm winds come from the peak."

--Fujiwara no Teika

"...seems to be linked to when papyrus / paper forms are adopted in a culture, allowing for fluid shapes."

"Learned today that before Germans called wrens Zaunkönige (“fence kings”), they said Schneekönige or ‘snow-kings’, because wrens sing loudly even in the winter. Germans even have the expression ‘happy like a snow king’ to describe someone who’s joyful in a grim situation." --@wylfcen

Air Raid ready cat in carrier, 1941.

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