Saturday, May 18, 2024

( via / via )

I learned there is a kind of green tea that smells & tastes like gardenias.

"Alone, he saw the slanting waves roll in,
Each to its impotent annihilation
In a long wash of foam, until the sound
Become for him a warning and a torture,
Like a malign reproof reiterating
In vain its cold and only sound of doom."

― Edwin Arlington Robinson, 𝘛𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘮 (via @isidro_li)

» Cubensis Trip 03 « ✨🎶.

“Wicked waif! unworthy,
Woeful wretch! What threshings
Reaped from hate and hurt you
Hurl from sinner’s innards!
Words you pour are poison—
Poor, unfit for spitting.
That is why you walk these
Wastes alone and throneless.”

--Luke Maynard

Signs. (via Dreams Built by Hand)

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