Saturday, May 18, 2024

( via / via )

Gnossienne No. 1.

sweet embers, add
to the reconciled rummage
old records

shadow thrown threatening
from a light held low

secondhand signs flicker
on a back road barricade
& safe bets

clowning through the ash-clasp

Attenuated Code of Hammurabi.

"Get revenge on the Danes by using these native English words instead of Norse ones↓

An egg is an EY

A gift is a YEAVE

To hit is to SLAY

A knife is a SAX

A leg is a SHANK

An outlaw is a WRETCH

A skill is a CRAFT

Your skin is your HIDE

The sky is the HEAVEN

To take is to NIM

A window is an EYETHRILL

A wing is a FITHER"


Liquid Meteor.

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