Friday, May 24, 2024

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A Prayer.

"Dust filled my lungs

I was empty as air,· my arms and legs
cradling my abandoned · chest, a blank
page, my heart · hollowed, my soul
carved out like seeds · scooped from ripe fruit.
I tarried, a shell · stripped of all life,
as dust filled my lungs, · I languished, deflated.
Finally, I encountered · a figure whose form
of brightest pigments · pressed into my bones;
he filled me with his shape, · his sensual silhouette,
as my limbs wrapped · around his body.
Now I surround · stunning scenes,
content to wallow · in the colours and textures
of landscapes, tinted · still lifes leaping,
portraits that threaten · to thrust right out
from the confines · of my cloistered chest—
to jump from my being, · to burst from the page.
Say what I am, · enclosing great art,
seek my semblance · and speak my name."

--Cassidy McFadzean

"But the image of the flying car is more than a day-dream: it corresponds to the way we actually feel when travelling in these cars."

"natlang: naturally occuring language
conlang: constructed language
synthlang: synthesized language; a natural language grown in a constructed environment
sumlang: summoned language; dangerous"


Morning all.

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