Friday, May 24, 2024

( via / via )

Bad Craziness.

"But Anubis, the good barker, bayed at these animals,
Sharply snapping at their flanks and their shin-bones:
'Traipse off, you riff-raff, you rejects of Time!'
And to Artorius he exclaimed: 'In these ante-chambers of Annwyn
It is not convenient to linger. Cast off your carapace.
To the first circle I send you and what you shall find there...' "


Are you in a Film Noir?

threadshore & ship threatened
passing thrifty
the hoarders heard others
unburying rank booty
their heist battened
by harsher dote doubtless
& i by fire fending
double forfeit

Trees in November.

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