Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Mechanical Marvellous.

"One of the hardest things is knowing when to stop waiting for a return of who you used to be; when to say farewell to the one who could walk better, breathe better, think better. Accepting that there are wounds that do not heal, and wounds that through healing reveal another." --@dreamsofbeing_

Against mirrors.

"Family Photographs: My Brother, Solar Eclipse, 1965

In a year, Haldol, ECT, the closed gates of a sanitarium.
But for now—how happy you were. To be eleven and unconcerned
For once with school, the Cubs, who punched who.
For a few minutes to be unlearned, to be taught
A new world. O, distant boy, how marvelous
It all must have been, to be turned into a ghoul with your friends,
To spurn the murmur of grown-ups with their highballs and hair
On the deck for a lowering sky burned sepia, orange.
At three o’clock to feel yourself disappear inside yourself —
To cast no shadow. And – so long ago now
How did you put it? —the delicious, insistent thought
What if it stays like this? To yearn and yet not to know yet
What that yearning meant."

--Daniel Lawless in Vox Populisphere

Planet of the Vampires.

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