Sunday, May 26, 2024

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Cat's Nightmare.

" 'Well, as I told you,' Cantrell stated slowly, meticulously, like a cat picking its way along a mantel-piece full of bric-a-brac, 'I got a job that night in New Orleans.' " --@HarrySKeeler

Like a moth but not.


Two hundred million miles and instructions are given, the light at morning
is photographed in pink and wafted
to a room on earth. The desert is rust-red, the stones lie
as our stones, the water courses are dry, the temperatures
fall in the freezing nights, rise in the blazing day, a planet
without men, without leaves, a pitiless loneliness where only a space probe
turns a merciless
mechanical eye on the horizon. How little room in the universe
is accorded life. For every yearning there is
ab anandoned rivulet, for every sorrow
a drifting dust veil, and, worst of all, for loneliness not even
evidence of an abandoned well. The sand lifts and blows
and has, for a billion years,
never known sentience, nor a voice crying
to another voice. No eye till this moment
has seen color in this world. It is now transmitted elsewhere. Here is the void where tears
by no means known to man can fall, and yet two hundred million
miles away they fall for those unborn, unused, reactivated
by the unrolling film that prints
light where no eye exists."

--Loren Eiseley, Another Kind of Autumn (1977)

Mt. Ichizuchi.

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