Saturday, May 25, 2024

( via / via )

"The student was fascinated by the text, intrigued by the silence surrounding it, and curious about what we might learn from that silence and from reading the text, even knowing it to be fake."

the ship has shoved off · on those shabby themes
some fragmentary phrases · refract old light
past parrotting · past holding
in hard copy · the key hitching
my mind moots · it makes no more
& wraithly relegates · where the rotten floors
allow no landing · i sit studying
one old book · another old book
from worn out wartimes · wildly displaced
& the shadowless snuffle · of fierce forces
i would rather not name · take hold with a rune
as much might · as a meddler wields
this sad century · or till now seen
one feather's flutter

"I've always had access to other worlds."

"Tempest unfolds its pinions o'er the gloom
That shrouds the boiling surge; the pitiless fiend,
With all his winds and lightnings, tracks his prey;
The torn deep yawns, the vessel finds a grave
Beneath its jagged gulf."

--"Queen Mab"

"Spreading my bones at ease, to drowse in deep
Oblivion, as a shark within the wave.

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