Thursday, June 20, 2024

( via / via )

Medieval to-do list.

"There was a tweet a while back that was like 'People want to be in communities but keep finding themselves in audiences' that I think about a lot and feel like there's a connected experience of being born to make art but forced to make products" --@LauraKnetzger

"‘Please tell me you’re writing something about Updike’s 9/11 book,’ another said. ‘Can’t do that,’ I responded, ‘because I’m pretty sure I would die while reading it, and that would be another victim for 9/11' ."

"TV night
a plot simpler
than my own"

--Jim Kacian (via @frogpondjournal)

"Her monologues are moments of cohesion, synthesis, when the fragments of everything you have ever heard and seen and read begin to surge on a uniting stream. And suddenly she is able to speak, to write."

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