Thursday, June 20, 2024

( me / via )

"That was my first experience of criticism. I didn’t know it was criticism at the time."

         “Sidecar Lit Dash Wrench Light”

The winter of the world · witness inglenook
With protected terror · catch corpse-scent
      The mole gallows
      Lays virtual garland
      Color of the sky
      Is cry of skua

My camera obscura · is cagmag skill
The green aisles graithe · with aggressive cold-shoulder
      Hourly shieldcrack
      Voice of the shadow
      Watch my back
      To finish the book

Unequally arked · ylespil pairing
The slow sliding past · of slagheap mountains
      Utterly lucky
      Contingent lackey
      Color of the sky
      Is cry of skua

(words: inglenook- a cozy place by the fireplace; skua- seagull; cagmag- a diseased shjeep; graithe- to make ready, equip; ylespil- hedgehog)

"WE’RE ALMOST 200 pages into Night Film, the second novel from Marisha Pessl, before anyone actually sits down and watches a movie."

"THE EUROS FOR IDIOMS: Slovenia vs Serbia

🇷🇸 A fairly savage Serbian curse translates to 'may your wife give birth to a centipede so you spend your life working for shoes'


🇸🇮 An UNBELIEVABLY savage Slovene curse goes as follows… 'I hope your tractor breaks'


"But this conception of the inviolable creator feels rather retrograde in a postmodern world where fan fiction and re-blogging have been fully absorbed into the cultural conversation, and where The Author has been dead for decades."

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