Thursday, June 20, 2024

( via / via )

Sociology of Philosophies.

"powdery almost-full moon, lying like a crushed Valium on an apricot velvet eiderdown" --@calcourtesan (via @minxmarple)

"For years there was certain songs I couldn’t hear without crying, just because they were so beautiful they made my heart flay open bright orange like an overripe persimmon.

branches brimming · the burnt curbside
wafture wends · to my worn carsill
at the laggard light · cool winds carry
& the rock radio · renders it passage

is all i would ask · in the ancient matrix
crows curry · a crew without plans
branches bundled · from the brutal skyfare
the two tribes traik under · tutor & raven

"This short novel by Duras, the only book I have read in all the languages I know, this little novel whose effects one cannot truly explain; the magnetism, the arousal, the sadness—a deep sadness that comes from nowhere and everywhere; the shock and the collision between author and character and reader."

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