Thursday, June 20, 2024

( via / via )

"I love (and hate) how often I discover incredible women artists by accident, while researching their artist husbands."

"It is to my mind futile to protract the tale of classical Roman poetry beyond the first century of the Christian era simply because after that date there were so many rifacimenti of classical meters and conventions. Such copyings are forgeries, stereotyped retracings, continuation of gallery favorites and museum pieces--they betoken only that sublimation of sitzfleisch which is the opposite of genius." --The Romanesque Lyric

"This was the only time in my entire academic career when a teacher did not assign his own work as assigned reading."

pallid fields · of frozen nitrogen
   star-studded daytime sky
those hills no human · will hike in the cold
   my heart flutters among

we imagine it matters · what monicker we bestow
   just as we jostle for lines
some man in a suit · once slashed on a map
   in the arrogance of empire

"Seems like it carries on the spirit of Y2K design, but in an even more complex, biomorphic & advanced direction."

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