Thursday, June 20, 2024

( via / via )

Frutiger Aero aesthetic.

"BOOK I, 'Society Saved' 15: Confrontations

Speak, you cadavers! Who was it that slew you?
Whose hands puts these blades to your chest to plunge through you?
You first, in the shadows there, newly deceased
Your name?—It’s Religion. —Your killer? —The priests.
—You, your names? —Modesty, Reason, Truth, Virtue.
—And who was it cut all your gullets? —The Church—You?
I am the faith of the Public. —Who stabbed you?
The oath. —You there, sleeping in blood, stained red through?
Justice was my name. —By which stabber gored?
The Judge. —And you, Giant, without sheath or sword
Your bright-burning halo blacked out by much mud?
I’m Austerlitz. —Who killed you? —The army did."

--Victor Hugo tr Adam Roberts via

Sunset after Rain.

"I am a graveyard hated by the moon."

— Charles Baudelaire (translated by Edna St. Vincent Millay) via @Isidro_Li

The Joke.

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