Friday, June 21, 2024

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Pastel Dingbat.

"To Juan de la Cruz at the Summer Solstice"

a simmering sound · descends in slow waves
through the thick heat · that stymies thought
cold-capsuled · cars press in clumps
with prim purpose · or pressing need

if any story stirs · these stubborn roundheads
it's not wicker witchcraft · or wise Jehovah
but the yodelling yahoos · of yore whose horse
could melt miles away · in the middle of nowhere

"He finds a way back into the dream-corridors of the clinic in a vain search for Vallejo; hiding in an empty room, he witnesses an apparently significant conversation but cannot hear it through the window."

"Intelligence is like exams. You always think the chap sitting next to you knows more than you do." --The Tailor of Panama

From the Zothique cycle.

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