Sunday, July 07, 2024

( via / via )

"It should be one of those nights when you were wise & singular..."

"Can anyone recommend some introductory shadows projected on the wall for someone new to being deceived about the ultimate nature of reality?" --@john_attridge

"It’s not necessarily for you quarrel with me when you find out that my resilience differs from yours. We both bought from the same shop."

"A pair of eyes

This creature is hidden · behind walls,
concealed in confines · clasped tightly shut,
or whisked away · in wheels and hutch.
A pair of eyes · inside steel slots,
peer into mine,· pupils brightened
black as onyx, · an unblinking stare.
I touch a tuft · of tangled fur,
long hairs flecked · with fleas and dirt,
a tail flicking · flies crawling
on scuffed hooves, · stone hardened.
I see such pale · nostrils flared,
smelling soured · piss on matted hair,
the grating wet · with waste and gore,
or poison methane · masking air.
Still, I discern · two docked ears
through tiny cracks · carved in the wall
and hear the moans, · muffled and dull,
the clang of cage,· the cold, hard metal
and two dark pupils · placed upon me."

--Cassidy McFadzean

Various attacked screens.

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