Sunday, July 07, 2024

( via / via )

Boudoir Boogie.

the dread-bundled dragnet
adroit at quern-sunrise
two wisps & a wintry
whisper among roadblocks

crumbs on the cranch table
accrue bearing vowels
i glance out at glaucous
glories knived & hidden

this too will be gathered
thronging the dry spillways
a journey death-jostled
& only ant-storied


"US has so spectacularly co-opted, bought, conscripted its writers into empire it has less need of the more dramatic punishments we might see in less 'democratic' nations." --@meadowasylum

"Beginning with a small plaque in Athens, Georgia, this ever-deepening undertaking now spans from the mountains of Nepal to the underwater reefs of Indonesia..."

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