Saturday, August 10, 2024

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Ville Volante.


That strange flower, the sun,
Is just what you say.
Have it your way.

The world is ugly,
And the people are sad.

That tuft of jungle feathers,
That animal eye,
Is just what you say.

That savage of fire,
That seed,
Have it your way.

The world is ugly,
And the people are sad."

--Wallace Stevens


"Wow, I'm the most dangerous little old lady of 84 you've ever heard of! Was it the blue XXXs? Too hot to read? Adult entertainment only? I wonder which satirists of ancient Rome would be banned there? And I'm banned from Russia, too! Oh alas, whatever will I do? Hit Utah with my cane?" --@margaretatwood

"...he brought American poetry into the 20th century."

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