Saturday, August 10, 2024

Gargoyle Rain by graywyvern on Scribd

( via / new book i made for Hanuman Eds)

Standing by the Mantelpiece.

"The civil defense crew collected about 1050 kilograms of flesh and bones from this morning’s massacre, which left more than a hundred people dead and in pieces.

The estimate is that a grown-up weighs about 70kg. The civil defense crew divided the collected flesh and bones between 15 large plastic bags.

These would be 15 bodies to be buried today." --@MosabAbuToha

Kaouding Cissoko.

pumpkin space salient
silicon-swap stormfront
in the time of a temp
hempen primes the heatpump

dangerously unhinged
harbinger in lawn signs
drum sings virulent drones
searing last summerdirge

The Orange Rooftop Of Your Mind. (via @wendyOrourke)

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