Wednesday, August 07, 2024

( via / me )

"His batting average would never have gotten him out of the minor leagues; but baseball is a percentage game, and poetry not."

"There’s something kind of funny, in a disorienting way, about seeing so many arguments about 'you have to teach your students to use AI in order to prepare them for the future' at the very moment when the AI bubble is bursting."' --@libshipwreck

this is how we surfed the internet.

the sky has no more promises in this rich month
   the pealing of the gray ones sags
my glasses fog when i return to warmth's embrace
   i cannot think of further stuff
some story will have coalesced around our mad
   defiance of the obvious
in times to come whence i cannot expect gifts dropped
   though motor idling pensive still
& needful of remarking even that vain wish
   velleity with teeth --or so--

Rival frameworks besieging cosmic apprehensions.

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