Wednesday, August 07, 2024

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Voices break on the confines of passion
Desire   Suspicion   Man   Woman
Solve in the humid carnage

Flesh from flesh
Draws the inseparable delight
Kissing at gasps   to catch it

Is it true
That I have set you apart
Inviolate in an utter crystallization
Of all   the jolting of the crowd
Taught me willingly to live to share

Or are you
Only the other half
Of an ego's necessity
Scourging pride with compassion
To the shallow sound of dissonance
And boom of escaping breath"

--Mina Loy

The Fallen.

"And I have gone out in the winter's storms,
And felt the winds all smite me in the face,
And writhed beneath the buffetings of hail,
And heard the creaking branches of the trees
Groan out their 'Shame!' upon me as I pass'd,
And gone home, like an idler, to his meal."

--J Stanyan Bigg

Sisson on de Quincey.

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