Wednesday, August 07, 2024

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boxcars gilded · plenty of night left
plaited weariness · watchful into worn ways
red car calm · clever the ruse
to persevere some · & say it's for now
the cliff walk cloistered · in its own crystal
the acceptance couched · in terms of saving
music can muffle · much despair
i write a riddle · to the rung above me

"But these are but broken hints."

"THE DESERT (Palindrome)

Moody, burned dust….
Oh, still aerify!

My ravine defoliated,
dim, its mirage bit.

Sure no bliss of pools to order,
still its red roots loop fossil bone.

Rust, I beg
a rim’s timid detail of Eden.

I vary my fire:
All its hot, sudden, ruby doom."


Reconstructed sonnet.

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