Tuesday, August 06, 2024

( via / via )

"So, just as Earthly geographers divide the world's globe into five zones depending on their astral phenomena so Levania is divided into two hemispheres: Subvolva and Privolva. The Subvolvans are eternally blessed by the light from Volva—which is to say, from our Earth—which assumes the role of a Moon to them. But the Privolvans are forever deprived the Earth."

“History is said to be written by the victors. Fiction, by contrast, is largely the work of injured bystanders.”

--Edna O'Brien via @muirheimhne via @alastmorrison

The Old Masters.

to ev'rything there is a season
there is a stain
to ev'rything
black fathoms churn
at the near horizon
to ev'rything
there is a season

Best Moon joke ever.

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