Thursday, August 08, 2024

( via / google street view )

Five Hundred Miles.


This pebble word that sits balanced
on the tip
of my tongue,
a rounded weight of meaning,
carefully measured, it gives shape
to gaps between worlds,
a surface shared then split then travelled -
millennia, eon, ocean,
rolled, reeled, relinquished,
to lie sheltered in shattered sand.
I pebble-press this thought into your palm
from the other side of this blistering Earth. "

--Larissa Reid via

Shadows in the sand.

"Saying unto my soul--'Here I shall find
Shams like myself--men who have thrown away
Huge fragments of their life in vain pursuits...' "

--J Stanyan Bigg

Church of the Flower Fathers of Fantasia.

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