Thursday, August 08, 2024

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The Rainway Children.

"All things have been enigmas unto me,
And I have spent my soul in their solution;
Leaving them all but unsolved riddles still..."

--J Stanyan Bigg

Ali Farka Touré.

"Dróttkvætt Stanzas for David Attwell
The banished skald addresses praises (without a refrain) to the Head of Department upon being
sacked by him for satirizing the departmental training-course for postgraduate tutors

Heed my verses head of
our home of wise-foaming
mead: I brew blood-honey,
that blessèd quintessence
of first holy feasting
in myth to frith, learning,
and those schooled in skaldship
—I skink words for drinking:

may praise be a pleasing
full PROFESSOR’s measure,
this drápa let dripping
from a mouth drouth-stricken
to find sounds to fasten
such featous laud meted
that may rate with rightness
the reach of this teacher!

To greet this great DAVID,
I grope for my scopcræft,
in verseform confirming
a York chieftain’s fiefdom:
the curt ‘courtly measure’
proclaims this jarl’s naming
in a settler’s city:
my song from the longships.

Ere bequest of Kvasir,
once quickened the trickling
Well of Wisdom swaling
at the World-Tree’s knurly-
writhen root, sweet-rising
Mím’s rill, bourn of Nornir;
Óðinn’s Eye is hidden
in Dell of Urð, ATWELL."

--Rahul Gupta at

"Pendleton so nailed the Indian blanket market that other Indian blanket-makers eventually went out of business."

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