Sunday, August 04, 2024

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"If this logopoeic poetry has finally come into its own, it may well be because our own 'American' English has become so thoroughly mongrelized."

"In the Decimal Expansion
of Feigenbaum’s First Constant


Sonatas perish, losing,
so fool thorn and nail.

Stubborn, find that surge
of tenfold change and haste.

Find range and hold,
charge often.

Find that sun frail, stubborn,
and nothing so foolish, lost as persona. "


A Doomgaze Primer.

"Though our records of Anglo-Saxon paganism are only embers, we can trace back Norse pagan words and tell what they would’ve been in Old English. Valhalla would be Wælhall, Asgard would be Ōsġeard (actually attested, as two men’s names), Mjollnir would be Melden, Ragnarok would be Reġnaracu, the world serpent Jörmungandr would be Eormongand. No doubt some of these words really existed before Christianity took over." --@wylfcen

"I like to write my journal in Old English using the Greek alphabet."

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