Sunday, August 04, 2024

( via / via )

Like a tea party.

" 'Thou a philosopher, forsooth!' I said,
'What hast thou found in that dim world of thine,
Aught half so true and stable as this hill?' "

--J Stanyan Bigg

"And in the field of combat the same line existed between delusional top brass notions of 'heart and minds' and the real blood-and-ambiguity-drenched quagmire of the killing field." (via feuilleton)

   my blog drifts
on its own blunt
   druthers like
a pilgrim drake
   clyting pools
of clear turquoise

   saved or not
by wayback seines
   for a time
these tomes gathered
   these thoughts piled
for a paused glance

with piney tang
   in clear air
climbing after
   fawn who stood
to stare me down

   those landmarks
march unfettered
   by breakage
or brutal warmth
   like the stars
when a storm ebbs

   the grass springs
from my gross tread
   new dazzle
for the dour bard
   in August
'mid rows of urns

----------------------------------------------------("Gargoyle Rain")-----------------------------------------


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