Saturday, August 03, 2024

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X-Ray Photograph.

   a spasm
spawning machines
   leaf blowers
out there blasting
   as day fades
its fire remains

   in plush dark
other plan speaks
   city maze
you made your own
   arches reared
above red doors

   there is one
art of staying
   have i learned
at last only
   to be chased
by chatbot hounds

   somewhat like
a book sallies
   from the fog
futile change wreaks
   & meanwhile
greenlight murder

   run low on
some lousy pill
   a brick house
bruising my hands
   to the car
carry boxes

   burning sun
sad cicadas
   sad knowledge
will not fit here
    & the wheel
whirrs unceasing

   if we go
will build more wights
   from raccoons
or brisk rabbits
   doesn't care
what kind prospers

   these eyes catch
swept drops arching
   Neptune's rim
as pixels reeled
   magic book's
diagram bold

   will not lead
a mob lurching
   firelit dusk
brandishing ferns
   crows calling
from crafted lawns

   bald reports
of bodies found
   dodge unhoused
dragonfly hood
   spectral shouts
shaping the flow


"It is natural to suppose a society of men who had suffered so much from a spirit of religious bigotry, would have stretched a lenient hand towards any who might differ from themselves, either in mode or opinion, with regard to the worship of the Deity. But from a strange propensity in human nature to reduce every thing within the vortex of their own ideas, the same intolerant and persecuting spirit, from which they had so recently fled, discovered itself in those bold adventurers, who had braved the dangers of the ocean and planted themselves in a wilderness, for the enjoyment of civil and religious liberty." --Mercy Otis Warren

Trying to remember a dream.

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