Sunday, September 22, 2024

( me / via )

Daliesque acid peacock.

"Art thou not weary, Time, of thy long tramp,
Thy long downgoings from the thrones of bliss?"

--J Stanyan Bigg

Her flying ship.

ailing into earth homestead
  all the others blown
this box · of the oblong nautilus
  plotless novelist rues
only a brush · of the bundled axes
  foretaste of brutal storms
pale green walls · a scant few months
  curbed my horizon browsing
i pushed into puddles · my pretty ships
  made a nest nicer
than i had any · expectation
  from my random runningdays
love that is ground · for a great work
  oft bypasses the wizard
bemused by his fortune · affordance-rich
  his shelves sag with shared mathoms

Brutalist twists and curves.

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