Saturday, September 21, 2024

( via / via )

"Then as now, Harar was a market town threaded with steep cobblestone alleys that wind between high limestone and tuff walls."

Random # 154 = 310 in base-7; 3 + 1 + 0 = 4 lines

antelucan lintel
limbec for star quarrels
a buzzing bears jasmine
back in supplant-antlers

"For the rest of his life Poussin ‘retained from that meeting a memory of dread'."

"You might be tempted to account for my naïveté as a common condition of undergraduates, who, in my later experience, no matter what the economic regime or political imperatives shaping higher education, seem almost without exception to be unaware of the forces determining why they are being made to study what they study." --Justin Smith-Ruiu

"Dear Sir, I am interested in developing the market for precision instruments in the East."

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