Saturday, July 08, 2023

( via / jesus chairez on fb )

To the Ends of the Earth. ⛥⛥⛥

"Skepticism is the elegance of anxiety." --Cioran

Erica T Carter and Human Parnassus.

"Real Life

Soon the electrical wires will grow heavy under the snow.
I am thinking of fire of the possibility of fire & then moving

Across America in a car with a powder blue dashboard,
Moving to country music & the heart

Is torn a little more because the song says the truth.
Because in the thirty-six things that can happen

To people, men & women, women & women,
Men & men, in all these things the soul is bound

To be broken somewhere along the line,
That clove-scented, air-colored wanderer blushing

With no memory, no inkling & then proceeds
Across America

In the sap green of the tropics,
Toward the cadmium of a bitter sunrise to a new age,

At the white impossible ice hour, starving,
Past the electric blue of the rivers melting down,

Above the nude, snuff, terra cotta, maybe fire,
Over the tiny fragile mound of finger bones

Of an Indian who died standing up,
Through the heliotrope of a song about the sunset,

To live the thirty-six things
& never comes home."

--Lucie Brock-Broido

Who By Fire.

( me / via )

GIF.EXE #12.

"After [Hulagu] captured the Assassin eyrie of Maimundiz, almost the only inmate he spared was the celebrated astronomer Nasar ad-din Tusi, who had persuaded the wavering Grand Master that the planets favored surrender. To Tusi Hulagu entrusted the creation of an observatory on the plateau above Maragheh, which was soon bristling with the latest refinements of science and magic. By a pinpoint of sunlight through its dome a giant quadrant assessed the meridian altitudes of the sun, and an army of other instruments--armillary spheres, astrolabes, a dioptra for measuring the diameter of sun and moon--were built out under the stars. Even Chinese astronomers were recruited; and a library of four hundred thousand volumes, many salvaged from [the sack of] Baghdad, confirmed the observatory as the greatest of its time.

Within thirty years, using instruments more precise than those of Copernicus two centuries later, its scholars produced astronomic tables of an accuracy to supersede the calendar derived from Ptolemy. But Hulagu--addicted to alchemy and astrology--could not wait for Saturn to complete its thirty-year revolution. For him the heavens were the mind of God; they moved affairs below. And he would soon be dead. He demanded results within twelve years.

...Then the Ilkhanid dynasty fractured, and by 1340 the observatory lay in ruins. Some sixty years later, Ulug Beg, the astronomer-grandson of Tamerlane, wandered its ruins as a child, enchanted." --Shadow of the Silk Road

The commuter & the train.

"Now I do not even know
How to live or how survive,
In these dreadful days of evil,
In this last and fleeting age.
Must I make my home in wind,
Build my walls upon the water?"

--Runo 7, Kalevala (tr Eino Friberg, 1988)

"Maybe things felt this way in 1918, and that’s why contemporary accounts of the Spanish flu pandemic are so weirdly scarce."

( via / via )

All of a sudden, Utah.

"Before I took the road
Direction ravished my soul"


Tooth Fairy Retribution Manifesto.

   to swarm entirely
unaware, pills on the path
   glint eBay debris
& it is as celebrants
that we shall be overwhelmed

A Comet's Destiny.

( via / via )

"Carl Jung visited the USA in 1909... In an appendix to his Memories Dreams Reflections there is a short letter to his wife dated Albany NY September 1909... He notes the advanced technology of this country compared to Europe but says it has come at a great cost. He then observes that men are better off than women. In closing he remarks that this country already contains the seeds of its own destruction."

Across mean years i lost my taste for sugar;
my childhood sank, thickly encased in sugar.

Go, i said, you have no further claim
on these poor bones, your kiss a waste of sugar.

The garden was a dream of riot run
in which we lay, our thirsts replaced with sugar.

City rose upon city, each droll layer
marked at the point its populace embraced sugar.

Graywyvern turned in the dappled labyrinth
to see ants hefting his pathway traced in sugar.

"The last time I taught The Scarlet Letter, I discovered that my students were really struggling to understand the sentences as sentences..." (via Mefi)

Building a case is the only human activity that has a 100% success rate.

"The revolving doors in Australia do, in fact, spin clockwise. Opposite from those in the USA."

via / me )

For those who like their fiction pulp.

"Of carnal ardour and of charm poetic
Was born the poison that infects the world."

--Antero de Quental (tr Roy Campbell)

"Surely I am evading my responsibilities..."

xalas qu lauleya
raxidi sava aju
aima yengo

( 'crow ectoplasm/ writes sign language/ among the clouds' )

"On hearing of the slaughter, Philip II of Spain supposedly 'laughed, for almost the only time on record'."

Friday, July 07, 2023

( via / via )


list of my erring footsteps
list of the ones that went right
languages i should be using
languages i should refrain
ragged album
sleep didn't come to the sleeper
knowledge where knowledge was rife
two diff'rent colors of footwear
path in the forest of crumbs
ragged album
born of my erring footsteps
labyrinth drawn by myself
pattern ahead if you find it
nothing the leywalker owns
ragged album
on the moonglade shelved

Sliding diamond wall.

"...these gems are heavy with fate, not mere pretty trinkets." --Ithell Colquhoun, Goose of Hermogenes (1961)

GIF.EXE #41.

( @spaceliminalbot 3-3-21 / via )

Flowing insectoid presence.

"Libertarian-curious young people: when someone offers you a brick of Ayn Rand’s shit tell them it exceeds your rate limit." @Shteyngart

Sweet dreams, Fam! 👽.

nunieni auva
rah xayari auvada


jula au nu rensocyigi

( 'these numbers/ aren't good numbers// action/ at a distance// in the last hour/ smeared glasses' )

Butterfly II.

feistiest pattern ahead

( via / via )

Killing it.

"we are vain and we are blind
I hate people when they're not polite"

--"Psycho Killer"


"Gratitude is first of all the business of him who helps, if the help is pure. It is only by virtue of reciprocity that it is due from him who is helped." --@simone_says_en

Crawling blur.

bornander bad sign

( via / via )

Plano Rona LP now on Youtube!

"The great march of mental destruction will go on. Everything will be denied. Everything will become a creed. It is a reasonable position to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma to assert them. It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream; it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake. Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer. We shall be left defending, not only the incredible virtues and sanities of human life, but something more incredible still, this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face. We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible. We shall look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage. We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed." --@GKCdaily

The Vengeance.

"idly I watch
the wren from my window
coming and going
and trilling -
last night there were stars like this"

--Doreen King in Tanka Splendor 2006

Hot Neptune.

Thursday, July 06, 2023

( via / via )

"The tightly policed borders of the “human” have crumbled to reveal the ruins of the 'posthuman' desert, where the hybrid offspring of beasts, technics, and humans live among one another." (via Mefi)

   thrist shale prang
award ulnar
   walnut tinge

ash string asset
   warlock hails
from Porlock where

   walg flume veng
in a splash fed
   fishhook up

prang hand unlock
   fossick carl
art ichthys egg


"evening moon
the sunrise measured
in a spiderweb"

--@poem_exe 8-19-19


( via / via )

Geo Gad Di.

"Too much sternness": a judgment on the world, that well might be made by a neotenous ape.

w4ter f4lls.

shelter from the shelter's whine
   sorrow holds the floor
nothing on that screen is mine
   sorrow holds the floor

nothing works & that's okay
   next to what's in store
forty storms of flak combine
   sorrow holds the floor

sorrow lusts & sorrow howls
   here & at the war
slow Graywyvern pours the wine
sorrow holds
   sorrow holds the floor


( via / via )


Fireflies always make me hopeful.

Bear Market.

"Oh my god I just love vinyl... the organic crackles, the warmth... when the record starts skipping and gets into a really annoying loop and you have to get up and manually fix it... you just can't beat the experience." --@yeetgenstein

Previous "Departing" scene.

( via / me )

Flickers in a busy wall.

"The docetic Christ of the Gnostics, a phantom Christ, would be more than sufficient to found an invisible church." --Soloviev

Riots in the Parisian Rain.

   "Speak, you also,
Speak as the last,
Have your say,

But keep yes and no unsplit,
And give your say this meaning:
Give it the shade.

Give it shade enough,
Give it as much
As you know has been dealt out between
Midday and midday and midnight.

Look around:
Look how it all leaps alive--
Where death is! Alive!
He speaks truly who speaks the shade."

--Paul Celan, tr M Hamburger (1980)

Three defendants.

( via / via )

"These features aren't replacing work currently being done by writers and editors, and we hope that over time if we get these forms of content right and produced at scale, AI will, via search and promotion, help us grow our audience."


'I saw no living thing within; naught was there but bones.' --Moby Dick

Fingers stiffening on a knife
Would carve in air an echo's face,
Would wrench the laughter from a rock,
From dead things in an empty place.

A star hung on a hollow wind
In answer, dares hands hold it still;
The desert, silent, taunts to birth
A Christ to rape the barren hill.

The stone shall bleed, the black sky burn
But when will the giant from slumber stride?
How long must we cringe in a pebble's leer,
Praising the mountain that watches us die?"

Lorita Whitehead, Last Poems (1962)

Last Embrace of Forlorn Lovers.

"Secrecy is as essential to Intelligence as vestments and incense to a Mass, or darkness to a Spiritualist seance, and must at all costs be maintained, quite irrespective of whether or not it serves any purpose." --The Infernal Grove

WIP 👽.

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

( via / me )


"we perished from
love's usurious

--Lissa Wolsak, Lightsail (2018)

Folding 'X'.


Laid an ode, drowsy.
Eked one poem:
O, some open ode!
Keys worded on a dial."



( me / nightcafe )


shafted, steep

Landinwards, hither
drifted sea-oats blow
sand patterns over
the smoke of ellchants.

An ear, severed, listens.

An eye, cut in strips,
does justice to all this."

--Joris's Celan

"He also offers the wistful hope that it would have contained fewer Doberman hand puppets." (via Mefi)

"The name of the first human woman, given as Celebrated Seahouse in the previous edition, now changes to Red Sea Turtle." --Dennis Tedlock, preface to Popol Vuh (1996)

.▲ gn ▲..

( me / via )

Hologlyphics 🔎.

"There were many other people like Jack, angry people, people who hated lizards, or poetry, or both." --Lavie Tidhar, The Bookman (2010)

//this is what I carry with me//.

   Thermal turquoise glass
I imagine a moon base
   Only not black sky
As the cicadas spin out
Lies into the cerulean

Mother Computer.

( lanny quarles / via )

"But, while the river may not be turned aside, it may dry up, and leave nothing behind but the withered branch, and the unsightly rock, to howl in the abyss-sweeping wind, the sad tale of departed glory." (via Mefi)

"you were lost
to the night as quick
as this moth
when midsummer fog
stole her compass moon"




Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:

A warning said, the green knight
waits there — darkening, hanging.

The reigning king draws a thane.

Gawain, rearing, ends the knight.
(It knew! — gathers a grinning head....)"


Lost Portal.

( via / via )

If you ever wanted a visual to explain how binary [ ] works.

"I was ashamed of my trade [the military] when I saw those horrors perpetrated which came under every man's eyes. You hew out of your polished verses a stately image of smiling victory: I tell you 'tis an uncouth, distorted, savage idol; hideous, bloody, and barabarous. The rites performed before it are shocking to think of. You great poets should show it as it is--ugly and horrible, not beautiful and serene. O sir, had you made the campaign, believe me, you never would have sung it so." --Henry Esmond (1852)

"By way of experiment, I ordered rose-tinted lenses. These are my findings." (via @aliner)

zonsya seducyo

( 'i flicker/ wasphome/ changing room' )

Turkey buzzards wearing business suits, detailed oil painting.

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

( via / via )

Cubist frieze.

we could not see the trouble coming · happy in that golden time
we saw our normalcy unfurl · lunar in that golden time

we watched our rosy miracles · batten in the sweet sunshine
and all our deals with Moloch throve, · Moloch, in that golden time

we knew what we had done was wrong · to all the lesser echelons
which did not stop us glorying in · freedom in that golden time

our aspirations harry us · as gift by gift they slip away
such stuff as dreams are built on, we · abolish in that golden time

City lights /p5js/.

"People think the truth is bulky, like a big package. More often, it comes in small drops, like rain from the eaves. You can listen to it all night long, but in the morning when you go outside, there might not be anything there." --James Church, Hidden Moon (2007)

Tests with a lomography Sutton hydrochrome liquid lens.

( via / via )

Whiter Shade of AI.

"The greatest trick ideology ever pulled was convincing colonists they were rebels." --@unemployedneg

Stockhausen guide.

"Oracular Time

In this oracular time I sense you prowl,
My glistered demon, saint upon the coals
That quake to ash beneath your waking feet.
IUn this oracular time, the darkness climbs
Beyond the highest rung; illimitable Grace,
All space is you and moves in muffled shriek.
In this oracular time, how dare I speak."

--Lorita Whitehead

The Poetry of Stonehenge.

( via / via )

In Hell🕷️🩸🕷️.


I escape from a feint, fluf for fluf.
A projectile I know not where it will fall.
Incertitude. Tramontation. Cervical articulation.

Zap of a horsefly that dies
in mid-air and drops to earth.
What would Newton say now?
But, naturally, you’re all sons.

Incertitude. Heels that don’t spin.
The knotted page, factures
five thorns on one side
and five on the other. Ssh! Here it comes."

--Cesar Vallejo, Trilce (tr C Eshleman, 1992)

Seussian ammonite.

"Theirs was a society subsisting, even thriving, on the brink of nonexistence--an enigma that repulsed wholesale deliberation by real people. And their habitats were all but ruins upon inauguration." --The Spectral Link

Tekontrol', Majoro Tom.

( via / via )

Murder…in a Convex Mirror!

"Nevertheless, while all signs indicated the substance of what I had experienced, the real still remained as good as a guess. It always has. Yet the nightmare obtains sure, and sometimes may be shared." --The Spectral Link

The underneath of things.

srou jauza
asyuca barai

sparaqa hayiqa

( 'crow/ Dog Days/ to visit for the last time// shadow of a camel' )

Mrs. Jeffreys Summons Her Master.

( via / via )

Side A Half-Sonnets.

"Hot Air

So soft my pleasure came
Upon a dream,
Iced fire and frosted flame

It was, too brief for blame.
Yet sharp to seem
So soft. My pleasure came

And went--that was its shame,
Not that, supreme,
Iced fire and frosted flame,

It bore the ancient name
Harsh hearts blaspheme.
So soft my pleasure, came

A wind and woke me tame
To that regime
Iced fire and frosted flame

Had burnt to a black frame
Before their steam.
So soft, my pleasure, came
Iced fire and frosted flame."

--Vassar Miller, 1963

A Refusal to Anatomize Hauntology, in a Belated Year.

and the skies
move against us

were we wise,
and the skies
thick with flies
had not fenced us

and the skies
move against us

Final cut.

Monday, July 03, 2023

( via / via )

ғʀᴀᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴛʜiͥʀᴛʏ-ɴiͥɴᴇ.

What if no religion used words? Imagine that they could impart, & urge to impart, certain rituals, behaviors & avoidances, & even the mental states appropriate to these, without the intermediary of language. There would be no question of faith, & none of truth. --And that is how i see them all. The immense mass of verbiage their adherents have created & continue to create, is to me only so much information pollution. Sometimes it is good poetry (oftener bad): that part is worth keeping. As poetry.

Green-ink letters. (via @saintsoftness)

"And temper foreign furrows with their gore" --Royston's Lycophron

I'm Not Lisa.