Saturday, August 03, 2024

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X-Ray Photograph.

   a spasm
spawning machines
   leaf blowers
out there blasting
   as day fades
its fire remains

   in plush dark
other plan speaks
   city maze
you made your own
   arches reared
above red doors

   there is one
art of staying
   have i learned
at last only
   to be chased
by chatbot hounds

   somewhat like
a book sallies
   from the fog
futile change wreaks
   & meanwhile
greenlight murder

   run low on
some lousy pill
   a brick house
bruising my hands
   to the car
carry boxes

   burning sun
sad cicadas
   sad knowledge
will not fit here
    & the wheel
whirrs unceasing

   if we go
will build more wights
   from raccoons
or brisk rabbits
   doesn't care
what kind prospers

   these eyes catch
swept drops arching
   Neptune's rim
as pixels reeled
   magic book's
diagram bold

   will not lead
a mob lurching
   firelit dusk
brandishing ferns
   crows calling
from crafted lawns

   bald reports
of bodies found
   dodge unhoused
dragonfly hood
   spectral shouts
shaping the flow


"It is natural to suppose a society of men who had suffered so much from a spirit of religious bigotry, would have stretched a lenient hand towards any who might differ from themselves, either in mode or opinion, with regard to the worship of the Deity. But from a strange propensity in human nature to reduce every thing within the vortex of their own ideas, the same intolerant and persecuting spirit, from which they had so recently fled, discovered itself in those bold adventurers, who had braved the dangers of the ocean and planted themselves in a wilderness, for the enjoyment of civil and religious liberty." --Mercy Otis Warren

Trying to remember a dream.

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"Wise’s dogged truffle-hunting across this redolent if sometimes rubbish-strewn terrain has uncovered some real prizes..."

as a flower
I sip my morning tea"

--Bashō via @bashosociety

Daybreak in the Universe.

   shall we call
this snapshot curl
   of the time wave
just before top's
the brand vessel

   all those brave
brink inventions
   plan on plan
replacing each
   just happens
to kill its host

Come Make Some Art with Me.

( via / me )


against heat haze
   to be kedge
in Carcosa

   hang-glide leap
off Texas hill
   drive van down
the void storied
   the great hand
that held me dropped


"Any time you see a name starting with Os, it’s from Old English ōs, the word for a pagan god. Oscar is from Osgar ‘god-spear’ [ˈoːzˌɣɑːr], Oswald is from Oswald ‘god-power’ [ˈoːzˌwɑɫd], and Osbourne is from Osbeorn ‘god-bear’ [ˈoːzˌbeo̯rˠn]." --@wylfcen

What bioluminescence looks like In the rain✨. (via @mrvalenberg)

Friday, August 02, 2024

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The Engagement.

"It seemed to me all over again that in every phase of living we do not have to conform to the way our life has been written for us" --Carrington, The Hearing Trumpet via @mjohnharrison

"The third challenge is how to translate a work which, by its own lights and in a quite literal sense, leaves the translator with nothing to translate."

   deep vigil
in veil lungwort
   the cold trail
of a trial form
   which way out
the high window

   in the tell
buried ticking
   jester's twitch
germ of a pearl
   night's vast merge
with skull mumble

   the garage
whose light i raised
   with white disk
remember whelm
   of bitter
voltbare winter

   the temple
tilted to dry
java's ready
   so much still
with no strict sign

   barely name
cloudfare numen
   warm biscuit
& weary tove
to ents this hare

   vision quest
requiring next
   the bold move
of mind-token
   to a square
squintingly grasped

   the rabble
in the rubble
   cloud wizards
clearly lacking
   deep cherry
the car hue change

   gargoyle rain
to rule a grief
   i wander
at will through streets
with not resting

   church restored
from the charred hulk
   what gets kept
when that blue goes
   cling to those
from my clang'd years

   & fester
in fierce moonlight
   raise a hymn
from huddled woe
is eke skipwreck

   call it realm
of the rude dawn
   wheels come off
of our old car
   stuck out here
smack in harm's way

   no time left
for lingerthwart
   for cruel jokes
that walk like crowns
   for parsing
the pure answer

   the Dog Days
their dark rattle
   riddle me
through rat's alley
the new skyline

   red Vespa
veering through turns

Scranch. (via)

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Elevated #5 The Watch.

   a deer met
up the mountain
   enroute to
resting my eye
   in the glass
glitter of stars

these icicles
   kept intact
deserts untie
    the one book
i didn't waste

   flayed hands hold
flowing frog sound
in the vista
   what then of
rogue thesterness

"My tweets read as if they were composed by a Victorian ghost haunting a dusty library.."

“Let me tell you, my friend, that I no longer know the taste of sleep. The bodies of children and the screams of the injured and their blood-soaked images never leave my sight. The cries of mothers and the wailing of men who are missing their loved ones never fade from my hearing.

I can no longer bear the sound of children’s voices from beneath the rubble, nor can I forget the energy and power that reverberates at every moment, turning into a nightmare. It is no longer easy for me to stand before the rows of coffins, which are locked and extended, or to see the dead people more than the living who are fighting death beneath their homes, not finding a way out to safety and survival.

I am tired, my friend…”

--Ismail Al-Ghoul
Al Jazeera Correspondent in Gaza via @moawady via @fadyjoudah

War memorial.

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Let There Be a Little Light.

"Our words don’t suit prophecies anymore. That power is left to other species: to oak trees, for example, to the tides, which through their restlessness carry a phosphorescence we’re not equipped to hear."

- Etel Adnan, Shifting the Silence via @EverySongIveEve


   way stations
start vanishing
   you recall
a counter-tale
   the skyline
in glints scattered

Stonehenge 1927.

( me / via )

Groove Holmes.

   morning sun
in the unmown grass
   shines tartly
tread it pilgrim
   of late days
as the din builds


"Societies never know it, but the war of an artist with his society is a lover's war, and he does, at his best, what lovers do, which is to reveal the beloved to himself and, with that revelation, to make freedom real."

—James Baldwin via @ZeeshanJaanam

Y Sharp.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

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Taking a bullet.

"Why did I. Thought of everything as a middle, where to find an edge, to find a height. Thought of this fog, why. Somewhere our groves lament us, whom most they had loved, and the silver swimmer strokes silently by, how far from shore is hard to say."

- Anne Carson via @aliner

In a Silent Way.

who would hear · in the angel orders
if i cried out crossing · the jaws of LBJ
gray morning shove-greed · i grow my bus'ness
in the careless corners · in the kiteslipt realm
roar of the restless · crowd seeps in
there's no barking back · nor redbrick inlet
pale cerulean parts · for spook radar
what the future will find · worthy of warming
cricket on the gray tiles · moves & stops moving


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"Where Qliphoth is wet coal and gritstone setts..."

"around a bonfire
old men telling
stories of earthquakes"

--Kyoroku via @bashosociety

The Talisman.

“One morning Toad sat in bed. ‘I have many things to do,’ he said. 'I will write them all down on a list so that I can remember them.’ ” –@FrogandToadbot

i learned a new word i thought the word was "tercet".

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"had a dream I was at a rave talking to a girl and she told me about a genre called 'hit em' that is in 5/4 time at 212 bpm with super crunched out sounds thank you dream girl." More.

"...when tragedy and comedy collide it is comedy that wins." --Virginia Woolf

Portrait of my Mother as a Loon.

next door · house is on fire
screams in a choir · how can we sport
& laugh

next door · fire that we set
deaths we abet · this didn't start

next door · swept out of sight
part of our right · never to think
at all

next door · burns to an end
dreamcastles fend · catching fire soon
as well

After the Equinox.

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Internet Homes of Poems by Bob Grumman.



The Light Inhabiting the Darkness after Midnight.

"And I should go on singing through the world,
Like mountain streams in June, all laughingly,
And rippled o'er with dimples; and my life
Would be like bees in sultry Summer time,
Brown-barred, but rich and rough with jagged gold."

--J Stanyan Bigg

Telecommunications Center Skopje.

( via / me )


   "the bent arm of
a battery reading light for staying up on trains"

--Gerald Burns

Ether Nests. (via)

"Etna da luz azul a Dante." -- Juan Jose Arreola

they keep returning · to my torn flank
that births big darkness · burying & firing
they believe my life · belongs to the one day
i end an acre · of human hovels

"Not all those who wander are lost."

( via / me )

"Here they sleep with folded wings."

haze-hid · herald of day
   neon red in the rood loft
crosswalk creased · by my veer Cruithne
   headlights on & arming
mesh tors militate · imagining rad hum
   rallentando the trophy
gas at a quarter tank · quisle at will

"It was vaguely haunted and looked like something Snow White would live in if she had a role on Gossip Girl."

"The indulgence of these turbulent passions has depopulated cities, laid waste the finest terrirories, and turned the beauty and harmony of the lower creation into an aceldama." --Mercy Otis Warren

Universe As Organism #5 Mysterium Magnum Grail.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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In the Court of the Crimson King.

Chicxulub alarm
Calm cerulean smile
Bring the rainbow snarl
   Another time
Maybe we can furl the gleam

Love’s the luck that counts
War a crime that pays
Chicxulub allows
   These blue complaints
Spattered on the burning air

Oracle of dust & firestorm
Chicxulub alarm

"The underworld listens to us through blades of grass."

dry garden
on my eyeball world
love that whirls
at sunset
polished umber floors suspend
bread crusts in mid-chew

Love My Way.

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Zine Publication and Print Dissent.

our barter in the skyey clutch is Easter eggs
   while limbs of children thud around

i think of those before us rats in dinosaur skugry
   and how the big dark set us free

again and again returns a time of vampire havoc
   pretending while the sleepers flail

she'd lost so much i barely still could tell her face
    lightest of all my partings yet

a box i should have saved of precious manuscripts
   now landfill-bound as those of mine

this book of terrible words passed down from hand to hand
   and woe if anyone finds you out

drink wine from my dry skull at every party now
   i grant you leave to do this much

A Trinity Riddle.

"It is one of the most difficult things about our time that so many are falling away from the word--from their own as easily as from the one spoken to them." --Celan to Nelly Sachs

4 from Wölfli.

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"What are some good experimental films w haunting beautiful liminal midnight vibes...?"

"A group of fireflies is called a light posse or a sparkle, or so her companion once said."

- Daniel Dutton, "Installation" (via @aliner)

"What I do is forage in academic books and articles for bits of information that I can try to transform into literary texts."

Li Bai: Autumn Air

"The autumn air is clear;
the autumn moon is bright.

The leaves that mounted here
have up and taken flight.

The daw that haunts that tree
was wind-blown and is gone.

The question is: Will we
be reunited? When?

Tonight love is regret
of ever having met."


"Fall is to summer as pupa is to larva."

( via / via )

ʬ ʷ.

sojourn in a soundless land
black sky blooming stars
sun blaring
the poem here poised
in its own element

You'll never know want or loneliness again.

"A wrestler’s most important job is to draw heat from the audience and it does not matter if the audience is booing or cheering. " --@tomodc (via @joycecaroloates)

The chamber of the Grand Dolmen at Bagneux in Saumur (Maine-et-Loire).

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"Instead of exhibiting an unfolding sequence of delimited events that function in the service of a progressive ‘universal history’, the planet is the stage on which the spectacle of human incoherence is playing out."

"...for Trump, Schama chose Dogberry, the clownish sheriff with the incompetent posse, in 'Much Ado About Nothing,' albeit a Dogberry with a darker heart." --Adam Gopnik via

"I had to keep telling the story until I could find my way out of it, which I eventually did."

"the sound
of cicada shrill
piercing the stones"

--Bashō via @bashosociety

"Since the introduction a few years earlier of ultrasonic music, the human voice indeed, audible music of any type—had gone completely out of fashion." (via)

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Queen of Hearts.

merge with the mad hardware
'midst decorum, horrors
don't signal your dayglo
druthers to the others

brillig weather breathing
Brutalist curb burbclaves
merge with the hajj hardware
to hold the course Mordor

Vaticinia de Pontificibus.

"True life is not lived where great external changes take place - where people move about, clash, fight, and slay one another - it is lived only where these tiny, tiny infinitesimally small changes occur. . . ."

—Tolstoy, 'Why Do Men Stupefy Themselves' (via @timesflow)

Johnny Cash.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

( me / via )

Southbound Train.

"i had a dream i was on a plane and we landed in a random town because the pilot wanted a sandwich" --@katefolk


pills dwindling · pawky
darkbreakfast abrades
& all-pierce brambles
the attenuated time
orts through anyway
cars i can't recognize

We Used Our Words.

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Bird Trails.

"That Life

I’m going to see how they died
going toward that wreckage
going to see them there
tranquil on the hill of engagement

Dear Wednesday’s narcissus, what time is it
what death is it
what planet in the widow’s hand
five or three?

Her dress was blooming
we were
neglected flowers on her dress

Dear women’s thresholds, how much is a lifetime
what time is a river
how many daggers in the blood
of the whirling storm
five or three?

We let the city play
and rolled our widespread shrouds shut

I’m going to see how they died
going toward that wreckage
going to see their death
hills of the north
wind-rise of the south
I’m going to call them by their names"

--Ghassan Zaqtan (tr Fady Joudah)

In Constant Motion.

"Champing the darkness through the narrow lanes,
Thick set with thorns: on, on unto a land
Of hungry pitfalls, and all-gulphing night."

--J Stanyan Bigg

In Burrator Woods.

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Antarctic Explorers.

"your first move should be to remove main character energy from main characters" --@mjohnharrison

Quiet at Dawn.

"you were lost
to the night as quick
as this moth
when midsummer fog
stole her compass moon"


Pennine Tower at Forton.

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The Don.

so beautiful
just before falling"

--Shiki via @bashosociety

Arthur's Stone.

"Seek not the favour of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of the few; and number not voices, but weigh them."
~ Immanuel Kant (via @arealmofwonder)

Bite The Lightning.

( via / me )

"We live inside the noise photography makes."

"My touch is crusted with my past defences" --C H Sisson via

The Elizabeth Line.

werifesteria the only deep carnival
beyond these pestiferous walls
leedwin or windfall

& it is never really lost
though terribly laced
with bloodstains

the forest lingers
in hours
that sing

the cold trail

dark wood




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The Broken Wipers.

the Sixth Sun · smoulders out
i acquire coffee · on the Kriegspiel way
after four days off · a fine morning
tire shred · on the shriven tarmac
spot a speck · glint in the gloaming
caught by accruals · of the Sixth Sun

Tornadoes In Teacups.

"Just discovered a much-needed Old English word: lēodwynn, “the joy of being among one’s own people.” It’s an ancient feeling which most people on Earth have all their lives: the joy of being surrounded by the people you belong to, because so much of them is in you, and you them.

It would’ve become *leedwin: from leed ‘a people’ + win ‘joy’." --Wylfcen
