Saturday, August 19, 2023

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Doomed Market.

i catch all things
in my net of nets
the ease habit brings
i catch all things

strange carollings
& rogue regrets
i catch all things
in my net of nets

E͛ͤVEͮRͣY͋D͈̈Aͧ̾Yͭ 🤡.

"Now-a-days, when forests are burned to charcoal faster than they grow again, the only thing to be done is to warm the climate a good deal, and turn it into a great brooding-oven, kiln, and field-oven, so as to save the trouble, and obviate the necessity, of having stoves in the houses. And this has been in some measure attended to by careful Commissioners of Woods and Forests, who have cleared away the forests as much as they could, they being full of late winter. When one thinks how very beautifully modern Germany contrasts with that which Tacitus mapped, warmed as it is by the mere cutting down of the forests, we have little difficulty in feeling convinced that a time will come when, there being no more timber at all, we shall arrive at such a temperature that the atmosphere itself shall be our fur pelisse."

--Jean-Paul Richter via

You still make me melt.

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"Let the dull artist puzzling rules explore" --Savage

Hurricane Hillary in Mexico.

These days so thick with burning crystal air
the mad cicadas only may approve
i hide from, drapes drawn; huddled in some cave
by jangling increments the storm endure.
For some strange reason i still want to carve
my version of the figments that occur
though less & less is Helicon's door ajar
for wanderers to furbish with their love.
The burning crystal air absorbs the peals
of tree-clutched swarms, as of vain animals;
scant shells remain, & then the leavings leave.

Barren Thoughts.

( via / via )

Rain pouring down the escalators.

rapt parrot auroras
riding shotgun tidepools
dill pickle a duckwalk

in the doomscroll tumored
scrimshaw of neume nimbus

New profile pic.

"Part raptor,
Rapt parrot,
Part rapture..."

--Satire: Veritas

St George + Dragon.

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"When asked his own definition of poetry, N. H. Pritchard uttered guttural, bestial, primitive grunts and groans."

"O daft fados!" --Satire: Veritas


"La Vita Nuova

Last summer, in the blue heat,
Over the beach, in the burning air,
A legless beggar lurched on calloused fists
To where I waited with the sun-dazed birds.
He said, 'The summer boils away. My life
Joins to another life; this parched skin
Dries and dies and flakes away,
Becomes your costume when the torn leaves blow.'

--Thus in the losing autumn,
Over the streets, I now lurch
Legless to your side and speak your name
Under a gray sky ripped apart
By thunder and the changing wind."

--Weldon Kees

Panorama. MoonHightRise. Aurora.

( via / nada tzirre gordon on fb )

The Past 10 Years have been Uniquely Stupid.

"Soup a Moon (palindrome)

Do granules I wet,
umami, hot sugar,
drag us to him?
A mute, wise lunar god."


The eye of the iceberg.

"neon shapes



--R G Rader

Fantasies of Gods and Cyborgs.

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We are all born of water.

"winter wind

cigar ashes

back on the bum’s coat"

--R G Rader via Ahapoetry


"Ah! what avails the curious search sustain'd,
The finish'd toil, the godlike Science gain'd?
Sentenc'd to flames th' expansive wisdom fell,
And truth from Heav'n was sorcery from Hell."

--Richard Savage

I worry the next gust of wind will blow me away.🍃.

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Spanish synagogue.

"...O so time
Edits a pastime so real!"

--Satire: Veritas

"I’ve pointedly told them: 'Why are you agreeing with me on something I’m plainly wrong about?' " (via @zaharaesque)

vector, node, old concrete
clang of centipedes wrecked
make hymn fictive-anchored
as ductile shimmers convect

From the bottom of the sea.

Friday, August 18, 2023

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Fabric transformations.

hour of fumble faro
affordances quisling
light in the ort atlas
after flicker victims
kindle the large landing
alert inward pinwheels
as though quorum therefrom

Black & white landscape.

"the woodpecker
the bell of transience
the tree will be cut
lunar eclipse"

--@poem_exe 12-4-15

This is where I met you.

( v. p. crowe on fb / via via mefi )

Several spirits.

"...a namer of ebony, allied opals..." --Satire: Veritas

Ogie's Revenge.

not long
king of the cats
not long & all unknown

party on the hunt for ghosts
will not find them

lost the alphabet

Stachebone X Surrealism.

( pic by kim dot dammit via fb memories 2014 / via )

Writing to the Unborn.

"glowing gold
over blood-red water
in our pond
my muses of the night
hot fish and a carp moon"


"Where is the motherworld?"

"Toad stayed in the bed, and Frog stayed in the closet.

They stayed there for a long time, just feeling very brave together." --@FrogandToadbot


( via / via )

When Mussolini Laid His Pistol Down.

"In a cold, lone, mossy bastille
Cell. It's a bare, venal room--"

--Satire: Veritas



"I like the rain while I'm being hit by the rain. I don't have the key that should be in my pocket" (via)

Continuum #137.

( via / me )

Hot August night.

"Covering Two Years

This nothingness that feeds upon itself:
Pencils that turn to water in the hand,
Parts of a sentence, hanging in the air,
Thoughts breaking in the mind like glass,
Blank sheets of paper that reflect the world
Whitened the world that I was silenced by.

There were two years of that. Slowly,
Whatever splits, dissevers, cuts, cracks, ravels, or divides
To bring me to that diet of corrosion, burned
And flickered to its terminal.--Now in an older hand
I write my name. Now with a voice grown unfamiliar,
I speak to silences of altered rooms,
Shaken by knowledge of recurrence and return."

--Weldon Kees

"Each of the eight color bands was drawn with a different felt tip pen from the 80s."

"Word of the Day: ELAQUEATE (v.) to set free from a knot or snare, to disentangle" --@HaggardHawks

You People Freak Me Out.

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Clutter cylce.

"...I assumed,
among nasal lemurs."

--Satire: Veritas

Flowing grays.

I assumed
Among nasal lemurs

Debris clouds blossomed
I assumed
Nothing speakable seemed
In the wilderness of mirrors
I assumed

Among nasal lemurs

Floating desert jellyfish.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

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"Mr. Herzog was proud of his performance on that last one, a poem rendered in binary code. 'I read it with such exasperation and growing despair that you want to cry at the end,' he said."

"UFOS (Palindrome)

Steel flair, east:
Far creeps of UFOs.
Peer crafts.
Aerial fleets."


"This is hardly an inspiring portrait of the artist today."

The only way to write is out of compassion. Even if it's only compassion for yourself.

"The resulting encounter is with another kind of unity, one opposite the opaque hand-painted mirror of his Black Square: an encounter with the world as semiotic replication of itself, a perpetual kind of fraudulent deformation, or forgery, engineering consensus out of impossibly infinite fractures and networked as the unity of perception itself: I am all of this."

( st vitus cathedral in prague, via 360 visio, via fb memories 2020 / via )

L'avventura. (without subtitles) ☆☆☆

"To travel alone with the Primordial cannot but be solemn. The moon is of the hue of the glow-worm; and Night of the sepulchre. Nux bore not less Thanatos than Hypnos, and the bitter tears of Isis redundulate to a flood." --M P Shiel


setting sun shines
off the wheels of the
lawn sprinkler

El espacio que nos divide.

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Pretty sponges.

   Yemen came my way
though i had set it aside
   came to me half price

black tide in broad daylight borne
along like a gutter leafling

   the charred stumps of trees
as we listen to 80s
   wage the I-novel

i touch the charred stumps of trees
smudge my pristine fingertips

   with a sigh return
to the land of things required
   by what came before

one-storey quondam shelter
yet some more high than others

   rainbow reflected
on dark wood · less than a week
   all the news stories

wanted to take these red bricks
make them stand for something new

   new dispensation
or the fantasy of one
   only the old heartache

red brick walkway that has seen
stumblings to the slaughterhouse

Secret meeting of the happy eligible few.

"There are people who have naturally an affected manner. In them simplicity would be pure affectation, a sort of inverted mannerism. Long practice is necessary to be naturally simple. The circumvolutions of the brain[Pg 18] twist themselves in such a manner that the ideas get entangled and confused and go up in spirals instead of following straight lines. The most complicated, subtle, and intense thoughts are those which present themselves first. They see things from a peculiar angle which alters the aspect and perspective. All fancies, the most odd, unusual, and fantastically distant from the subject treated of, strike them chiefly, and they know how to draw them into their woof by mysterious threads." --Life of Baudelaire

Liquid Crystal Field.

( via / via )

The Naming of Cats.

"Flannery O'Connor wrote to Betty Hester that A[yn]R[and] 'makes Mickey Spillane look like Dostoevsky.' " --Tanya Avakian on Fb

Morning light in an empty room.


A few meet,
seek a fake esteem.
We fall apart."


Clever Rabbit.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

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"Bogdanich and Forsythe’s​ book is a damning account of the way McKinsey has made workplaces unsafe, ditched consumer protections, disembowelled regulatory agencies, ravaged health and social care organisations, plundered public institutions, hugely reduced workforces and increased worker exploitation." (via)

necklace of skulls
& i in my pinstripe suit
this shabby debate

green ant dreaming

Streets at Night.

Sharing food, sharing space, sharing power.

Synthetic connectome.

( via / me )

"The film flips on itself in such rapid cycle, that it destabilized my position and left me wondering if it is the most revolutionary or most reactionary film of the last decade."

That we are many does not mean better gatekeeping is needed, only better sharing.

Melting testtubes.

circular saw-blades
decorate the floats
children on their hands & knees
pick apart hard drives on the dump

for days the sky is red from the fires

roads that i used to know
have deliquesced

they barricade the ones that are left

pinkgold dawn sky
water tower silhouette

thirty past the stone lions

once the world didn't know
where i was when i toed its lanes

trail of breadcrumbs

coltan apertif

for ev'ry rot a final stench

the snowchange hour
can be presumed to speak

multi-pronged approach

Baron Samedi presents
colored boxes on the screen
cliffs · in the half light

"The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is, for all intents and purposes, Burning Man for global theater nerds."

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

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Throbbing spinning square.

   Delphi merle
glitter spoor chill
   wing smother

let crystal flint
   beat again

End of Times.

"Cats reel. Delia railed. Yma Sumac reeled." --Satire: Veritas

"And no falsely delusive dream-phantoms
from the lying face of night’s reproaching void

Monday, August 14, 2023

( via / me )

Survey of recent verse novels.

"It [Love] was a lunacy, its name was Legion, it was possession by the furies; it was a spasm in the throat, and a sickness of the limbs, and a yearning of the eye-whites, and a fire in the marrow; it was catalepsy, trance, apocalypse; it was high as the galaxy, it was addicted to the gutter; it was Vesuvius, borealis, the sunset; it was the rainbow in the cesspool, St John plus Heliogabalus, Beatrice plus Messalina; it was a transfiguration, and a leprosy, and a metempsychosis, and a neurosis; it was the dance of the maenads, and the bite of the tarantula, and baptism in a sun..." --M P Shiel

Part of the Adventure.

& hospital windows
contempt for stupidity
even in the stupid
the mail comes early
the blaze is less than yesterday

these in-between places
are all we have left

keep a caged thing
for an outside reference

La Notte. (with subtitles) ☆☆☆☆

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I went out into the desert only to die.

buzz at twilight · plane,
then some kind of weird roaring
& the black tide calls

time to write another book
in a dead or unknown tongue


"Alas, savage memory! Bah!" --Satire: Veritas

"We had constructed a bridge over nothing."

( via / via )

Sea & 2 girls at low light.

"CEASE (Palindrome-by-Pairs)

See a scar stem.
Pour your blue trim,
a dark tinge,
an orange, ink tar,
a dim, true blur....
Your poem-stars cease."


Tell Me That You Love Me.

"Private Ground

First frost, and I walk among the rose-fruit, the marble toes
Of the Greek beauties you brought
Off Europe's relic heap
To sweeten your neck of the New York woods.
Soon each white lady will be boarded up
Against the crackling climate.

All morning, with smoking breath, the handyman
Has been draining the goldfish ponds.
They collapse like lungs, the escaped water
Threading back, filament by filament, to the pure
Platonic table where it lives. The baby carp
Litter the mud like orangepeel.

Eleven weeks, and I know your estate so well
I need hardly go out at all.
A superhighway seals me off.
Trading their poisons, the north and south bound cars
Flatten the doped snakes to ribbon. In here, the grasses
Unload their griefs on my shoes,

The woods creak and ache, and the day forgets itself.
I bend over this drained basin where the small fish
Flex as the mud freezes.
They glitter like eyes, and I collect them all.
Morgue of old logs and old images, the lake
Opens and shuts, accepting them among its reflections."



Sunday, August 13, 2023

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"From Hair to Eternity: An Onomastic Tour of American Beauty Parlors and Barber Shops."

"A MERMAID (Palindrome-Haiku)

Nurse! So, hydrated,
a mermaid I am remade.
Tardy hoses run…."


Centinelas del Silencio. ☆☆☆

"I was thereupon lapped in trances the most halcyon and happy; the roaring rolled for me into such oratorios as my mouth may not pronounce, though I appeared, so to speak, to see, more than to hear, that music; and in the mean time mine eyes, fast closed, had afore them a universe of hues in slow movement and communion, hues glowing, and hues ghostly and gnomelike, some of them new hues to me, so that I knew not at all how to call them, with cataracts of pomegranate grains pattering, waves of parrot green, wheels of raspberry reeling, dapplings of apple and pansy, pallid eyeballs of bile and daffodil, pellucid tulips, brooks of rubies, auroras, roses, all awork in a world earnester than Earth, that it were empty to attempt to tell of." --M P Shiel, Xélucha

"Drinkwater believes that ‘space’ is actually a vast, possibly infinite series of concentric spheres, with the corollary that each sphere, as we go inwards towards the centre, is actually and counter-intuitively larger than the one before. ."

( via / via )

Dog Star Man.

"To what sad, precarious, and miserable existence does he vow himself—he who takes up a literary career? From that day he must consider himself cut off from human beings, active life; he no longer lives—he is the spectator of life. All sensation comes to him as motif for analysis. Involuntarily he develops two distinct personalities, and, lacking other subjects, one becomes the spy on the other. If he lack a corpse, he stretches himself on the slab of black marble and buries the scalpel deep in his own heart. And what desperate struggles must he endure with the Idea, that elusive Proteus, who takes all manner of forms to escape captivity, and who will only deliver his oracle when he has been forced to show himself in his true aspect! This Idea, when one holds it, frightened, trembling, vanquished, one must nourish, clothe, fold round in that robe so difficult to weave, to colour and to arrange in graceful curves. During this long-drawn-out task the nerves become irritable, the brain on fire, the sensibilities quickened, and then nervous disorder comes with all its odd anxieties, its unconscious hallucinations, its indefinable sufferings, its morbid capriciousness, its fantastic depravity, its infatuations and motiveless dislikes, its mad energy and nervous prostration, its searches for excitement and its disgust for all healthy nourishment." --Gautier's Life of Baudelaire

Kellie Dream.

"You cannot go ten feet in this county without finding some signpost of memory for me — some spot where someone I could tell you about died, or got kissed, or broke the law, or had an epiphany. This is cognition in the wild, as you might find in the mind of a Micronesian outrigger pilot or a London taxi-driver who has demonstrated his possession of 'The Knowledge': navigation of an environment where the external markers of place are at the same time internal markers of one’s own motion through time." --Justin Smith-Ruiu
