Saturday, February 04, 2006

(via g*ociti*s dot com slash hollywood slash 1096)

"Even the date of the Christian era was in dispute at the close of the eleventh century, a certain school maintaining on astronomical grounds that the current reckoning was twenty-two years too late, so that the year 1100 ought really to be 1122." --Th* R*naissanc* of th* Tw*lfth C*ntury

Friday, February 03, 2006

"Old Findings"

Post karma, wishful thinking trap: black fathoms;
long gazing down Satan black fathoms.

Swift candy
pangs anagram black fathoms.

Boils tomorrow's dawn
with cloud black fathoms.

Pilgrim curd
squirming in aorta black fathoms.

Scroggy Parnassus up which twinkling Grinchus
thrusts back basalt black fathoms.

On my victrola: Kar*l Go*yva*rts- Litani*s. (An oddly various list i found as i was looking.)

Origins of Cooki*-Monst*r-Voic* Singing. (via ALDaily)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

(via jpl dot nasa dot gov slash imag*s)



Wednesday, February 01, 2006

"The sea is rising...and the world is sand." --Wilfr*d Ow*n

"Inerrantism is a counterrevolution." --Walt*r Tru*tt And*rson, R*ality Isn't What It Us*d To B* (1990)

"Because we do not take the theatrical dimension of political life seriously, we fail to recognize that when people act politically they are trying to define themselves." --ibid

"Against infrangibly wired and blind trench wall" --Ow*n

"In the evolution of ideas, the dinosaurs do not always disappear when they become extinct." --And*rson, op cit

"The struggle to be someone is a global struggle now." --ibid

"We know that violence is not the answer and elections don't work." --Broth*r Dav* Gardn*r, Hip-Ocrisy

"California was already slouching toward post-modernity in the 1930s." --And*rson, op cit

"The migration of personal song tastes is not a learning curve.' --sayings of Asmod*us

"What you really do when you seek to preserve a culture is create it." --And*rson, op cit

"Visiting the Orient, gazing at the monumental statues of a man who tried to tell us to let go of our graven images, I stand in awe of the monumental capacity of human beings to miss the point." --ibid

"In the 1950s, the CIA seriously considered maintaining parallel branches with different mind-sets: one would operate according to the reality that the spy was for real, the other according to the reality that he was a disinformant." --ibid

"Altars and Arts are soon to fiction rais'd,
And both would have, that miracles are wrought." --Gondib*rt

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Silliman looks at just out chaps by our buzarg R. K.

'Truly creative realism is eschatological realism. it takes the line not of reflecting the natural world, and not of adjustment to it, but of changing and transforming the world.' --Nicolas B*rdya*v, Th* B*ginning and th* 3nd (1941)


Red and blue flicker · the forces of order restored, Bad Jesus.
Elaborate panning shots · above the nighttime city, Bad Jesus.

In our tiny lit abode · as the coffeemaker gurgles
I hear the cackling and the crackling · of the rain, Bad Jesus.

Twitching in the semi-dark · shoppingcenter parkinglot
as I took out the store trash, · grounded stray parakeet, Bad Jesus.

Redifiably impocerous · urban camo halter top
"American Idol" wannabe · and Osama's pic again, Bad Jesus.

New York Times impeachment ad · and the polar bears slipping off
their crumbling blue ice floes · bloody bathroom towels, Bad Jesus."

--Lydia Daily, Immy Aliquot (2005)

"Tractors shuttling yellowly below" --Harry Math*ws

"#152. Aesthetics demand concealment and reward it, ethics demand openness and punish concealment." --Paul C*lan (tr Pi*rr* Joris (via B*msha Swing)

Monday, January 30, 2006


At story's ostrich stilb
Following crisp hyacinth ask
Following as story's crisp rim
Across shadowy isthmus storms

Silk clasping abort
Of following slow slags
So twinkling rich and against
Scoriac bricks

Wisp is spawn which ryotwar
Ransoms ichor with snail stun

"I think it's a good time for music when it's a good time for shoes." --Tom Waits

"Hubert. It is a fearful and tempestuous time,
The concave firmament, the angel's bridge
O'er the world's day and night, is visibly
Bowed down and bent beneath its load of thunder,
And through the fiery fissures of the clouds
Glistens the warfare of armed elements,
Bellowing defiance in earth's stunned ear,
And setting midnight on the throne of day.

Huntsman. The roar has ceased; the hush of intercalm
Numbs with its leaden finger Echo's lips,
And angry spirits in mid havoc pause,
Premeditating ruin in their silence."

--Th* Brid*s' Trag*dy

Sunday, January 29, 2006


(via pala*o dot gly dot bris dot ac dot uk slash russia)

"A painter who does nothing but highly realistic depictions of horrific war injuries. And achieves great success: his pictures are hung in every major museum. Was there a point for them to miss?" --Tyl*r Soz*, Loxocosm (2004)

When the admirable Tiberius (he has had an undeserved bad press), upon becoming emperor, received a message from the Senate in which the conscript fathers assured him that whatever legislation he wanted would be automatically passed by them, he sent back word that this was outrageous. “Suppose the emperor is ill or mad or incompetent?” He returned their message. They sent it again. His response: “How eager you are to be slaves.” (via M*tafilt*r)