Almucantar- a line of celestial latitude
thrang- filled
Barcelona- old apartments in Oak Cliff I lived in for five years
Amethyst = Jyestha
porismatic- pertaining to a proposition that affirms the possibility of finding conditions that will render a certain problem either indeterminate or capable of innumerable solutions
flerd- a trick or snare
Mira = the star Omicron Ceti
Liber Logaeth = Doctor Dee’s Enochian grimoire
Moorawathimeering- (Aboriginal word) the Land of the Lost, a sanctuary for outcasts
oolongphaeic- dusky as the taste of oolong tea
slub- thick mire
aidle- to earn one’s bread indifferently well
dernely = secretly
atninga- (Abo.) a vengeance party
dealth- a division; a share
wishness = silence
khamsin- a warm, dry wind from the Sahara
yowee- (Abo.) the spirit of death
tallabilla- (Abo.) outlaw
eulowirree- (Abo.) the rainbow
ilka = every
mellsylvester = honeysuckle
rightful mind- (Newspeak) patriotism
smoking mirror = Tezcatlipoca, the Aztec trickster god
Virginia Opossum- once sponsored by the store where I work
zarf- an ornamental coffeecup holder; a frame
clyte- to suddenly alight
vaib- (Glaugnea) the characteristic excellence of one’s psychological type
coolth = coolness
jairce- (Gl.) the smell of rain on the wind
karcist- a summoner of spirits
lurg- a marine worm
fulmar- a seabird that can spit oil
Curufin- father of Celebrimbor
ogmic- pertaining to ogham
sobornost- (Russian) feeling of fellowship
sharawadji- pertaining to an aesthetic of combining opposites
toom- having boiled over
zonda- a hot wind of the Argentine pampas
chull- Central Asian wasteland
walburn- (Spook word) cryptographic equipment
batiushka- (Rus.) "little father," a nickname for the Tsar
railgun = (an undefined Spook Word)
oiwi- (Hawaiian) native
waam-waam = the Pluriverse
Xanadu- a plateau on Titan
walg- (Abo.) homeland, patria
kalavinka- (Rus.) bird with human head
scroggy = stunted
Big Nightfall- when the oil runs out
thalassa- (Greek) the sea
ibrik- Turkish coffeemaker
giardino- (Italian) garden
ryotwar- a system of collecting land rent or taxes in which the government settlement is made directly with the peasants
chirg- (Pashto) sharp, clever, well-made
harfang- a large arctic owl
Zaqaziq- a place in Albania, useful in constructing English pangrams
ordalic- pertaining to ordeals
qucaq- (Azerbaijani) hug
yarons- years
Xibalba- the Maya underworld
lurry- tumult; jumble of sounds
padishah- emperor
frith- a safe place; in Watership Down, the God of the rabbits
rhyparographic- pertaining to the depiction of humble subjects
arrack = arak
Ogpu- forerunner of the KGB
mukataba- a contractual agreement in which a slave may eventually buy his freedom
shigol- (Korean) country
latifundia- landed properties
Al Azif- the sound of the wind; the proper name of the book known as the Necronomicon