Saturday, February 01, 2025

( me / via )

"A poem’s pronouncements should be taken as seriously as the pronouncements of the wren in your garden."

"character to be redeemed"

connoisseur of rare grains
   ruse in the moonlight
things build themselves boldly
   billionaire hopscotch
   antelucan quand'ry

stanza is stone unit
    stirious moments
assemble poem sprightly
   positive feedback
   antelucan quisling

& go into gaunt streets
   Galdalf unwelcome
carrying punk coral
   bleaching has spared
   antelucan contract

place with your rare grains

"Every generation faces a moment when it is called upon to redeem democracy from an existential threat."

"Bajo la luna
el tigre de oro y sombras
mira sus garras.
No sabe que en el alba
han destrozado un hombre."

~Jorge Luis Borges

Under the moon
the tiger of gold and shadows
looks at his claws.
It doesn't know that in the dawn
a man was destroyed.

trans. M. Kei via


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Ballad of Lucy Jordan.

"The sphere of beauty was a glass lamp-globe for delirious moths." --Lord Ormont and his Aminta


"paint me blurred
like a Monet garden
where imperfections fade
into lilacs and lilies
and autumn leaves never fall"

--Linda Jeannette Ward via


( via / me )

Cherry Blossoms in the Abandoned City.

from the knowing
black murmuration's freeze
aircraft falling · at the store buy

"In this case, the onset of desiccation and death was not instant, and there was a long period of decadent efflorescence in which new arrangements and refinements were made to poetry within the glass vessel of literature." (--Despite its initial nod to Yarvin, worth it for the audio.) I added this comment: Notwithstanding my deep appreciation for the work that has gone into this research, as a practicing poet i have reached a far different conclusion vis-à-vis performing alliterative verse. I think a drum should be used instead, & its beats to occupy the 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 instead of the half-lines. (One heavy beat before, & two quick beats between.) It puts too much on the audience to discern words that are already unfamiliar, over contrasting sounds. Likewise we are too accustomed to listen to stringed instruments for melodies instead of for rhythms, & find much of our enjoyment in syncopation. (Syncopation in allliterative verse comes from varying many syllables or few to a single half-line, but not varying the beat.) --Still, all should be tried. The important thing is to make poetry in which the sound counts.

A Book I Probably Won't Write.

( via / via )

Another Aside on the Zombie Apocalypse.

"This may sound primitive and unscientific, but through the fairies, we COULD ask Mothra for help"

Above St Michael's tower today.

fallen leaves gleam · in the warm sun
   thick dread vies with habit
were not the alms · of earth plenty
   we must blow up things in the sky
lean against plywood

"The most effective indictment of democracy as currently conceived ever penned." (My highly theoretical answer to this dilemma is that humans should not only limit their numbers but also the size of their political entities.)

( via / me )

Another challenge tanka.

"CROW FIELDS (Anagrammed Lines)

Winter enfolds varied echoes
in a white or fevered coldness.
A river ends, now fleshed to ice.
The fields are covered in snow." via

Glory enough for one day.

Extraction is a motherfucker.

Masks Confronting Death.

Friday, January 31, 2025

( via/ via )

Eat the Rich.

"Remember the pre-election meme: 'Trump has been sent by God!'
'Why, has He run out of locusts?' "

"They are not mere figures of speech but rather powerful spirits that simultaneously connect, mystify, reveal, and paralyze." (via

"time out
in an oil slick
pebble moon
even my footprints are gone"

Two paths diverged.

( via / via )

This Beast Has Come Running from the Hill.

"year of the snake"

  squelchmas · Norn
waft describing
  cold wind furls
a walk stymied
  black fathoms
tend this oblique
through half-shapes sped
  take nothing
keep none of these
  your missive
mangled en route
  only barks
& bleak restless
announce your cairn

6. Banana Twist.

what noon carries · you want occulted
   in the redbrick Wanderjahr
yolk of boilflurry · no way flummoxed
   nothing but this small bill

Funeral Parade of Roses. ☆☆☆☆

( via / me )

"She's the aunt offering you a cigarette..."

the bad guardians · gallop
cliffward · full speed
even for grifters · this is extreme
   & whatever they thought they wanted
no one will wonder · in the after time



ah, love · let us be true
to one another
· in this weary blitz
in this game or thrashing brawl · of rememb'rance
let us be true · & only betray

What I Learned about Shadow.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

( me / via )

Because of Us.

"Forbidden Mourning"

And these loved their country
as much as you
And these loved their children
as much as you
Wanted to live
under the same sky
These loved their country
as much as you

"...calling on Texas to explain why it won't release maternal mortality data from the past 2 years after Dobbs."

"God's Work"

man made rubble · what we plant now
man made desert · our cash crop
until all is turned · to these splendid tracts
as far as the eye can see · sweet desert
& sweeter rubble

"Yes, it is more than a little droll that this should be the philosophy taken up by the modern manosphere, which seems entirely composed of fragile grievance goblins who treat every minor irritation as an epic vengeance play written by the Lesbian Furies."

( via / via )

Working Class Hero.

"Song on Porcelain

Rosecolored cup and saucer,
Flowery demitasses:
You lie beside the river
Where an armored column passes.
Winds from across the meadow
Sprinkle the banks with down;
A torn apple tree’s shadow
Falls on the muddy path;
The ground everywhere is strewn
With bits of brittle froth—
Of all things broken and lost
Porcelain troubles me most.

Before the first red tones
Begin to warm the sky
The earth wakes up, and moans
At the small sad cry
Of cups and saucers cracking,
The masters’ precious dream
Of roses, of mowers raking
And shepherds on the lawn.
The black underground stream
Swallows the frozen swan.
This morning, as I walked past
The porcelain troubled me most.

The blackened plain spreads out
To where the horizon blurs
In a litter of handle and spout,
A lifelike pulp that stirs
And crunches under my feet.
Pretty, useless foam:
Your stained colors are sweet,
Spattered in dirty waves
Flecking the fresh black loam
In the mounds of these new graves.
In sorrow and pain and cost,
Sir, porcelain troubles me most."

--Czesław Miłosz, tr R Pinsky in The New Yorker

Burgess Unabridged.

"Ideas, new-born and naked original ideas, are acceptable at no time to the humanity they visit to help uplift it from the state of beast. In the England of that period original or unknown ideas were a smoking brimstone to the nose, dread Arabian afrites, invisible in the air, jumping out of vases, armed for the slaughter of the venerable and the cherished, the ivy clad and celestially haloed. They carried the dishevelled Maenad's torch. A step with them, and we were on the Phlegethon waters of the French Revolution. For a publication of simple ideas men were seized, tried at law, mulcted, imprisoned, and not pardoned after the term of punishment; their names were branded; the horned elect butted at them; he who alluded to them offered them up, wittingly or not, to be damned in the nose of the public for an execrable brimstone stench." --Lord Ormont and His Aminta

Lamb Has Harnessed a Wolf.

( via / via )

"Even leaving the silly questions of sentience aside, can the output of an AI engine supply enough screenplays, dialogue, and promotional copy to put every writer out of work? Maybe."

"until things get sorted out, all law school constitutional law classes should be replaced with a psychoanalyst lecture about the death drive"

"Pencils were central to my artistic practice, and my skills at drawing had grown directly in relation to my knowledge of the properties of the B, F, and H designations that divide their leads into soft, hard, and in-between."

Guantanamo barb
no doubt to be reused, moved
to a wider ring

Biter of His Foe.

( via / via )

Long before anyone knew.

"the lullaby
my mother used to sing
in a foreign tongue
it never really mattered
she couldn't carry a tune"

--an'ya via

Current/former China expats: Guess we should start sharing our authoritarian survival methods.

"most sharks never stop swimming because they are haunted by past mistakes and if they pause for even a moment grief will overwhelm them"

Until things get sorted out.

( via / me )

"Figured out the vibe the white house website font is giving."

Writing advice: always work toward an image, write the next part so that the story creates the image you have in mind by what happens.

Tanka challenge tanka.

"Last Love

Love at the closing of our days
is apprehensive and very tender.
Glow brighter, brighter, farewell rays
of one last love in its evening splendor.

Blue shade takes half the world away:
through western clouds alone some light is slanted.
O tarry, O tarry, declining day,
enchantment, let me stay enchanted.

The blood runs thinner, yet the heart
remains as ever deep and tender.
O last belated love, thou art
a blend of joy and of hopeless surrender."

--Fyodor Tyutchev (translated by Nabokov) via

"Both you and SPLC show how this is the same playbook borrowed from the Right’s attempts to undermine the science behind fossil fuels, tobacco, and Covid-19."

( via / me )

Copilot is My God.

jumble of jarred tangents · jerrybuilt self
   the hufflebuff apocalypse
spares · disparaged-long shelter
   the prisoner fed on tea leaves

Ghosts are Weak.

"Oh no, now the doomsday clock is standing on top of an icy cliff juggling chain saws."

"Soldiers described accessing classified information for lethal bombardments on Amazon cloud servers as ‘making an order from Amazon’."

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

( via / via)

John Waters on Ivy Compton-Burnett.

"The dead are tired of poppies." --Marina Tsvetaeva

The Infernal Cave.

"Bohemian Respighi"

a talon-torn swirling
as torrents roar shadefast
pyre built on a silt bank
whistles like whelk crossfire
or commodified spleen
quieter now quisling
to the quick gone onrush
i think of an old bad review
for dunce years unanswered
all, all in this ullage
ailing sieve & livid
washed clean by a clash-bath
on my clipboard rippling

fathom devoured verdict
perverse rain of angels

Ascension thread.

( via / via )

"It was disgusting and it wasn't my idea of having a good, healthy time with my hawks, so I let him do his falconry in the dead cow pit, and I went and chased rabbits in the woods."

"burnt houses
the fruit of a charred citrus tree
clings to its branches"

--Chen-ou Liu via

Make something interesting with no randomness or noise or trig.

"as the swift monster drags you deeper and deeper into the frantic shoal, you bid adieu to circumspect life"

My Beloved Plows the Field.

( via / via )

" 'The “self” that was in there,’ Kirn explained, fondly, ‘was simply that of an artist in his off hours. Which is like the self of a vaccum cleaner in its off hour'."

"I can’t tell if the first time was a tragedy and the second time will be a farce, or vice versa"

A group of Mexicans responded to Emilia Pérez. (via

"cracked windows
candles animating
grey winter clouds"

The fight between carnival and lent, detailed oil painting, willem de kooning.

( via / me )

Green-Eyed Lady.


Saying death

Of potential
An earnest thing

Of workmanship

Thawing air
Sweet as a demise
At an immortal shelf

A raft of nooks

The dusk of thirst
To inquire
To leave writing against a buttercup
Fit and unfit
Like an abode"

--Issue-1, 1739

" 'Once we were driven by “homesickness for the past,' Mark Fisher said in 2006, 'now, it is the impossibility of the present'."

"I spoke to a talented junior scientist who just got a good faculty job offer in the US and they told me 'well I wouldn’t move to 1930s Germany either' so that’s how that’s going"


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

( via / me )

"It has, in common with its inventors, no smarts for reading the room.

"they cut funding to Punxsutawney Phil so now it’s winter forever"



fylgja fathoms · wipe the glass
negotiate gimbals · gaunt skerry
with a half blocked view · harried blitzkrieg
fathom inly · error gauge
of Great Anteater tonguereach · orange-cone

dryghtfester · werifesteria
of forking paths · pinchbeck perne
Ebola home · hastens swath
in the graythick · unthesterness
cold crannock · my aasvogel crew
in drams

effigy raised · of a rogue tourbillon
forked fylgja · looming silhouette
nattering nettle-corsage · nowl
in its wrapper shrinks · shroud waffle

courier fathoms · no courage
further into, fare · i blame Merrick
look out for leaps · of lurgy upstarts
have nothing pocketed · save packed fog
& a drone

We should forgive.

( via / via )

The Polymath of Pittsburgh.

"fool killer"

multicellular word
wisdom of the emmet
wambly washer forward
ford the amber toomult

It did.

"For in the worlds remotest part I lye
Sick, and uncertain of recovery."

--1672 Ovid (III.iii)

Fire in the Sky Cloudcroft New Mexico.

( via / via )

"There are roads that make you feel the longer you stay on them, the less certain they'll lead to your destination."

"if we staff ICE with Uvalde police officers, they'll never enter schools"

Just Because We're Scared Doesn't Mean We're Wrong.

"H. P. L.

Outside the time-dimension, and outside
The ever-changing spheres and shifting spaces -
Though the mad planet and its wrangling races
This moment be destroyed - he shall abide
And on immortal quests and errands ride
In cryptic service to the kings of Pnath,
Herald or spy, on the many-spangled path
With gulfs below, with muffled gods for guide.

Some echo of his voice, some vanished word
Follows the light with equal speed, and spans
The star-set limits of the universe,
Returning and returning, to be heard
When all the present worlds and spheres disperse,
In other Spicas, other Aldebarans."

--Clark Ashton Smith at The Eldritch Dark

"I cherish returning to the work of June Jordan & Diane di Prima & Muriel Rukeyser & others, who embodied the commitments they wrote about."

( via / me )

Habitable-zone super-earth discovered at 82 Eridani (in an eccentric orbit). It looks like a planet of this star was first given the name Rustum. There's also: Epona.

"The Mood of Depression

You dark mouth inside me,
You are strong, shape
Composed of autumn cloud,
And golden evening stillness;
In the shadows thrown
By the broken pine trees
A mountain stream turns dark in the green light;
A little town
That piously dies away into brown pictures.

Now the black horses rear
In the foggy pasture.
I think of soldiers!
Down the hill, where the dying sun lumbers,
The laughing blood plunges,
Under the oak trees! Oh the hopeless depression
Of an army; a blazing steel helmet
Fell with a clatter from purpled foreheads.

The autumn night comes down so coolly.
With her white habit glittering like the stars
Over the broken human bodies
The convent nurse is silent."

--Wright & Bly's Trakl

"But, unsurprisingly, the exploits of a small Suffolk football team didn’t seem that important to the down-from-Berlin art crowd, and so I kept it inside, carrying on with the festival programme, staying just on the edge."

"The fun thing about twitter is that it’s a bunch of people with the reading comprehension level of middle schoolers attempting to understand sarcasm"

Five Mixed Metaphors for Translation. (via

( via / me )


"computers are a completely normal field where there are databases built on descendants of PICK OS, a database made in the 60s to organize parts for a helicopter that never existed, for a system called Generalized Information Retrieval Language System (GIRLS), as created by a guy named Dick Pick."

Protesters in Dallas, Texas stood against Trump's ethnic cleansing campaign.

"lake view—
blue paint marking the end
of the clearcut"

"Once around 3.5% of the whole population has begun to participate actively, success appears to be inevitable."

( via / me )

Pilgrimage to Rilke’s grave.

"I went looking for the wild one, the howler, the vatic tramp.
The one for whom the wounded hills are body burns, whose
blood is stained with the old love-wine of poet and Earth –
warrior poet, slinging battle flak out at the static
shattering polite conversations everywhere.

I looked in the anthologies, listening for echoes,
traced for signs in the quarterlies, magazines, best ofs.
I learned it’s been a good year for poetry. Grants and awards
keep coming in. Contests and prizes are proliferating,
the wise grey consensus counsels a return to the classics.

Meanwhile, poor scientist holds extinction
in a palm full of numbers
with nothing but data
to howl with."

--Rob Lewis at Dark Mountain

"As Donald Trump’s second term as President begins, and the political atmosphere for millions of people is one of foreboding, I’ve been rereading Here to Stay: Poetry and Prose from the Undocumented Diaspora." (via

"merrick 3"

subfusc trek
trickles drabfane
night sundance
narcs my witness

spindly touch
ratchets heartspeech
taillights swell
must brake swartsinge

all the days
to come dally
in this creel
for crazed annals

"We never photocopied and stapled. We always screen-printed (except for one issue that we risographed) and stitched." (via

( me / via )

Old Man and Old Woman Carry a Turnip.

"Butthole on Rushmore"

voluptuous loss
lingers in one's fingers
naming the hours
dashboard light chordate
soldiers for children

destiny's thumb pressed
lightly on this scarred edgelord
soldiers for children
elusive grief trucefire
naming the hours

butthole on Rushmore

One line that may or may not intersect itself.

"You can't afford a convertible in your midlife crisis. Start a lit mag! They cost about as much as a used car and break down just as often!"

89 seconds.