Sunday, March 16, 2025

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As dust storms.

"maybe there is a god but it's the one mantises are praying to"

"This berry looked as if it had a personal trainer, a facialist and a team of dedicated stylists."

  I watched the misty
Pleiades sink, Orion
  followed them below;
it's midnight now; the blankness
is complete. I lie alone.

--Sappho (my tr.)

Tonight I've watched
the moon and then
the Pleiades
go down
the night is now
half-gone; youth
goes; I am
in bed alone

(tr Mary Barnard)

The weeping Pleiads wester
  And the moon is under seas;
From bourn to bourn of midnight
  Far sighs the rainy breeze:

It sighs from a lost country
  To a land I have not known;
The weeping Pleiads wester,
  And I lie down alone.

(tr A E Housman, as is the following:)

The rainy Pleiads wester,
  Orion plunges prone,
And midnight strikes and hastens,
  And I lie down alone.

The rainy Pleiads wester
  And seek beyond the sea
The head that I shall dream of
  That will not dream of me.

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"Sun is alive.
We, faded day,
a day, no benign,
its hot,
sudden ruby, away,
as a sun in us,
awarded a cradle.
Him I held: arcaded,
raw, a sun in us,
a say away,
burned dust
Oh sting in ebony
a day added
a few evil,
as in us."

Olive Thomas in The Flapper (1920).

"bird song
your warm breath
who is not here"

A call to return the Statue of Liberty.

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Allegro thread on Metafilter.

A world of Batman villains without Batman is less fun than one might think.

Shadow Dragon watching.

The song I’d started crept to bed
And faded from the pearly screen
For it would not endure the crush
Of all I wanted it to say

For even this liquescent thing
Is not within my power now
Nor riddles more than halfway formed
Nor suasive with the force of tears

But after all it’s more than fair
To find all other splintered words
And know there is a world that brings
For further song the only home

A year without USAID.

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"Moravia returns to this member-centric fold in a different story, 'The Unknown God,' where he extols the apostatic penis."

frass array of loose ends
the craisin trail phased out
& yet born of yarning
huge reluctant structure

or yearning which watchdog
wielded is to fieldwork
ghost gun in my fist sparks
gooshy revolution

at first light released then
a long cawing raucous
no crow seen nor sun's face
to send this jeer sheering

10 great Baltic Films. (via feuilleton)

"A blacker gloom, foliage and bearded firs" --Trumbull Stickney

Arrival and docking of Crew Dragon Endurance.