(via t*hranmoca dot com slash *xhibition slash n*gargari)
I loan satiety to muscle in the pew before me
Miles from now appointing these alternative despondent selves
In charge of loading sins onto forgiveness
Toward sweet lawn curve
Of daisies seeming to be part of Mildred's dress
Sewn in her own words and why"
--Sh*ila 3. Murphy, Gr**n T*a with Ging*r (2003)
Sorrow Mountain.
"No dewfall softens this vast belt of dearth." --McKay
"The world is a ship that will never make port..." --Grant Ov*rton, Am*rican Nights 3nt*rtainm*nt (1923)
Lace back of mountains my fretted
vehicle on ice it shows
Blamed, all the stones, their streaks, then sky
opens bowl to the rained and rolling day
Fire, this chart beyond has got of crystal through
icicle wall of fricative semblance
Then PatternDemons whisper
in the PalmLines of my stone
Like taking a breath in vaccum light
the pounds of brain that store me"
--Clark Coolidg* (via)