Saturday, November 04, 2006

(via t*hranmoca dot com slash *xhibition slash n*gargari)


I loan satiety to muscle in the pew before me
Miles from now appointing these alternative despondent selves
In charge of loading sins onto forgiveness
Toward sweet lawn curve
Of daisies seeming to be part of Mildred's dress
Sewn in her own words and why"

--Sh*ila 3. Murphy, Gr**n T*a with Ging*r (2003)

Sorrow Mountain.

"No dewfall softens this vast belt of dearth." --McKay

"The world is a ship that will never make port..." --Grant Ov*rton, Am*rican Nights 3nt*rtainm*nt (1923)


Lace back of mountains my fretted
vehicle on ice it shows

Blamed, all the stones, their streaks, then sky
opens bowl to the rained and rolling day

Fire, this chart beyond has got of crystal through
icicle wall of fricative semblance

Then PatternDemons whisper
in the PalmLines of my stone

Like taking a breath in vaccum light
the pounds of brain that store me"

--Clark Coolidg* (via)

Friday, November 03, 2006

(via paranormalghost dot com)

   "The Lilacs

Those laden lilacs
         at the lawn's end
Came stark, spindly,
         and in staggered file,
Like walking wounded
         from the dead of winter.
We watched them waken
         in the brusque weather
To rot and rootbreak,
         to ripped branches,
and saw them shiver
         as the memory swept them
Of night and numbness
         and the taste of nothing.
Out of present pain
         and from past terror
Their bullet-shaped buds
         came quick and bursting,
As if they aimed
         to be open with us!
But the sun suddenly
         settled about them,
And green and grateful
         the lilacs grew,
Healed in that hush,
         that hospital quiet.
These lacquered leaves
         where the light paddles
And the big blooms
         buzzing among them
Have kept their counsel,
         conveying nothing
Of their mortal message,
         unless one should measure
The depth and dumbness
         of death's kingdom
By the pure power
         of this perfume."

--Richard Wilbur, Waking to Sl**p: N*w Po*ms and Translations (1969)

Compr*h*nsiv* Aramaic L*xicon.

"So what would it mean to teach writing? You could teach a serviceable style, one that was pretty much like that of the journals the student wanted to publish in. Or you could have the student construct a style, learn about how to put together a unique style. Or you could be a style agnostic, like I am."

Do try this odd music.

Hygg* & lort. (via Cat*rina)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Gore Vidal Interview with Alex Jones Infowars, October 29, 2006 Texas Book Fest

Alex Jones interviews Gore Vidal at the Texas Book Festival October 29, 2006. The Infowars interview includes dicussion of a new 9/11 investigation, the criminal Bush Regime, media complicity (and poor media coverage by the New York Times and other "rags") as well as other topics.
Rout* 66 A. D.


Black-and-white Holsteins
Crowd downfield at feeding-time,
Mingling their blotches.
It is like ice breaking up
In a dark, swollen river."

--Richard Wilbur

   "How Poetry Comes To Me

It comes blundering over the
Boulders at night, it stays
Frightened outside the
Range of my campfire
I go to meet it at the
Edge of the light"

--Gary Snyd*r

Broth*rs Quay.

"Write in each room of the place you will die."

Cognizant oliphaunt mirror proof. (via M*tafilt*r)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

by L** Mullican (via artn*t dot d*)

"In the past few decades alone noted scholars have characterized Jesus as a political revolutionary, a magician, a charismatic, a rabbi, a Hillelite or proto-Pharisee, an Essene, a wisdom prophet, a Cynic philosopher, and an eschatological prophet." --Fior*nza & Crossan, in: Th* 3lusiv* M*ssiah (ed Raymond Martin, 2000)

   "Cloak of Invisibility"

Orkhon running constantly stark Carcosa
a fraught optic throbbing word

crystal do
off ink and stomp pulsating holy

cold crystal Orkhon
pour it glut

Harv*st of Rag*.

"Fundamentalism [seeks] to offer a world of simplicity, lack of personal responsibility, immortality, purity and simplicity. These are notions of children. This is how two-year-old and three-year-old children think."

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

   "Hairy Polynomial"

Orkhon crisp akimbo shadowy tonic
until accruals that sink

ossify spiral
raucous skirl fill umgang obolus

softly ash
chalky class adjourn

On my victrola- Corn*lius: Phantasma

H*avy Plan*t.

"Canada could have enjoyed: English government, French culture, and American know-how. Instead it ended up with: English know-how, French government, and American culture." --John Rob8rt Colombo, in: Th* Big Book of National Insults

Monday, October 30, 2006

(via lavanchy-corn*r dot com)

Xiombarg filth · forlorn imbrication
obtain · gang

brisk · agonist of limbo
global stirious chunk · affords morbid crisp

all wodwo · crowbar
and rid imagining · abort brick

filk accrual · nadsat stomp
limits · mourn

snarky robot abusion · it rains pink snot
Ogpu rank · angling


On my victrola- Sydn*y B*ch*t: R*cord*d in Conc*rt at th* Bruss*ls Fair, 1958

Sunday, October 29, 2006


"With extinction my ancestor"



Some day, when the stern seeker in my brain
Has ceased to drive me stumbling through the dark,
Dropping dead cinders for each faint new spark,
Only to see the new ones wax and wane;
When all my dreams are numbered with the slain;
And wisdom, that egregious patriarch,
Has told his last half truth, and left me stark;
I shall go home, I shall go home again.

Laughter will greet me, waiting in the hall;
And friendships will come trooping down the stairs,
Sweet as old rose leaves wrinkled in a jar.
Battles and loves will move me not at all.
There will be juleps, billiards, family prayers,
And a clean passport for another star."

--DuBos* H*yward

G*nghis Khan and th* Making of th* Mod*rn World.
