Wednesday, November 01, 2006

by L** Mullican (via artn*t dot d*)

"In the past few decades alone noted scholars have characterized Jesus as a political revolutionary, a magician, a charismatic, a rabbi, a Hillelite or proto-Pharisee, an Essene, a wisdom prophet, a Cynic philosopher, and an eschatological prophet." --Fior*nza & Crossan, in: Th* 3lusiv* M*ssiah (ed Raymond Martin, 2000)

   "Cloak of Invisibility"

Orkhon running constantly stark Carcosa
a fraught optic throbbing word

crystal do
off ink and stomp pulsating holy

cold crystal Orkhon
pour it glut

Harv*st of Rag*.

"Fundamentalism [seeks] to offer a world of simplicity, lack of personal responsibility, immortality, purity and simplicity. These are notions of children. This is how two-year-old and three-year-old children think."

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