Saturday, July 22, 2023

( me / via )

" engineer from UNM who worked on the nuclear tests felt so distraught about his work that he dedicated himself to making a computer program for art..."

"Paravaledellentine: A Paradelle

   For Glen

Come to me with your warning sounds of the tender seas.
Come to me with your warning sounds of the tender seas.
Move me the way the seas’ warm sea will spend me.
Move me the way the seas’ warm sea will; spend me.
Move your sea-warm come to me; will with me; spend
tender sounds, warning me the way of the seas, the seas.

Tongues sharp as two wind-whipped trees will question.
Tongues sharp as two wind-whipped trees will question.
(Skin or nerve waiting and heart will answer.
Skin or nerve waiting and heart will answer).
Question will answer two tongues and, or will:
heart sharp as nerve trees; waiting, skin-whipped wind.

Brim your simple hand over where the skin is.
Brim your simple hand over where the skin is.
Wish again, whenever hair and breath come closer.
Wish again, whenever hair and breath come closer.
Closer, again, whenever; brim where your skin is;
hair, wish and breath over the simple hand, come.

Spend come warning me, whenever simple sounds will, will;
move your question. Answer your heart-sharp tender
sea-warm will with me. Way of the seas, the seas!
Where skin-whipped nerve trees wind over waiting tongues,
brim closer to me. Again the skin, as wish,
and two of the breath, hand and hair, or come, is."

--Annie Finch

{{{ orbital warp 29 }}}.

"Once again I find that I'm among the five or six people on a packed plane who care to look out the window at views unavailable to humankind for almost all of our history on earth" --@walterkirn (via @Endymion1989)

E3 passing in the snow.

( via / me )

"At the end of the trail, it matters whether we dwell in the unknown by choice or by force. Not unlike the difference between solitude and loneliness, the mystery meted by the unknown can only be relished when you are tethered."

"Once Lower Manhattan is underwater, I'm sure we'll all look back fondly on the period when there were approximately 45 media reporters for every 1 climate reporter" --@KateAronoff

A Rough Guide to Every Digital Art Genre We Could Think Of.

"...the great abstractions come whistling hoarsely out in Miss Dietrich's stylized, weary, and monotonous whisper, among the hideous Technicolor flowers, the yellow cratered desert like Gruyรจre cheese, the beige faces. ...(the Surrealism of this film is really magnificent)... Alas! my poor church, so picturesque, so noble, so inhumanly pious, so intensely dramatic. I really prefer the New Statesman's view, shabby priests counting pesetas on their fingers in dingy cafes before blessing tanks." --Graham Greene on The Garden of Allah

"...looking out the window, sensing the gathering moisture of metrical momentum seeding through my life like condensation saturating a cloud—the weight of that wordless strangeness within and without, and the hope of survival it carried."

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Cosmic Woodoo Spell.

“I will scatter a few nuts on the frosting,’ said Maxwell, and he pushed the lever for that. This sifted handfuls of words like chthonic and heuristic and prozymeides through the thing so that nobody could doubt it was a work of philosophy.” -R.A. Lafferty via @catrambo via @ktistecp

Exploding star.

What's my favorite neologism? After considerable reflection, i say: Paul Celan's "threadsuns" (Fadensonnen)--because it names something that needed naming (what you see when you look at a light with teary eyes), it symbolizes his post-Holocaust life (& titled one of his books), & both the English translation & the original German sound neat. Is it translated otherwise? As "twinesuns" & "fathomsuns" (because the word is also used for the nautical measure that was based on a length of rope; you can think of a shadow meaning of "suns seen through a depth of water" also)...


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Shimmer Therapy.

"Elegy Composed in Late March

More than the lovely who prevail?
But very love must know
By no perduring thing
Can this be known.
Though with attributes of marble,
It is a mortal beauty
Never hewn in stone.
To what they loved and destroyed,
Never had their fill of cherishing and would not save,
Even the gods fixed no star;
But more in sign
The rainbow's meltings and the reed
And the slight narcissus gave."

--Lรฉonie Adams

It's My Life.

"Live shell whose tonic shriek is the whole show" --Peck

Bougie Broke.

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The Simulation.

"Byzance is rumoured to have been the sewer of every sin, yet such was its beauty that it is the canker of our heart we could not have lived there." --Edgar Saltus

Nightcafe's own Barbenheimer.

as if total night:
burns whatever comes to hand,
this idiot age

a real from a false answer
unable to distinguish


Friday, July 21, 2023

( via / me )

Things Have Changed.

shadow-tourney t'wardsflung:
pretend nothing · other
of the blind hands blossom

a blurred fubsy cupboard
the lizard lords glozing

Fact and Fancy (1962--the whole essay can be found here). In 1971. In 1986.

"...the ablative absolute
of power, as the boulders of Pattyquonck
pile bracken thirsty for the drink
that they are not in the field of the world, unmet."

--John Peck

"The tech world has long been convinced that it understands the desires of readers better than they do themselves."

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A Tasty Treat.

"The next day,when Paul returned home--this much seems definite, wherever he had been or whatever his dealings with his parents--the house was empty, the front door sealed, and his mother and father gone." --John Felstiner, Paul Celan: Poet, Survivor, Jew (1995)

_mount of solemn contemplation.

returning to find them gone
the beginning of a silence
as shiny as a new gun
returning to find them gone
to trace them not again
under the sky's red solace
returning to find them gone

the beginning of a silence

How does one body remember so much?

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๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ‘️The Magic Music Library๐ŸŽน๐Ÿ”ฎ.

"ALGORITHM (Anagrammed Lines)

Perform the algorithm:
form lighter metaphor
from the lithe program."


Just Making Things.

in the subfusc before-the-storm
imprecation of sky i taste
there is nothing of Innsmouth. Harlequin,
laugh. Hazards of absinthe,
but nothing of the Old Gods.
What was sunken shall rise, streaming;
what was fallen shall rule.
In the subfusc before-the-storm crisis

i can only think of Innsmouth's absence.

This Number is Prime.

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Museum Room.

   gunplay rung
in appletime
   clog ballast

myth from hunchback
   inch agate

Church of No Return.

jagan ainden
lingan, gavaci,
mas lesubdi auyar aiban

puspรบ rer cyar puno

( 'fair attraction/ stoppingplace, stern,/ stage a hunger strike// with an old tool the routine itself' )

Indian Boarding School: the Runaways.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

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"Where Alph, the sacred river, ran..."

Many-fathom'd murther
moves like a tide widemouthed
& foolish. Fire-brillig
before fire-sworddark.
Knocks out stoplights, stupid-
stippled choices. Password.

Pessoa’s trunk.

Vienna (from the balcony): "Spin the wheel, Eddie."

Eddie (at the roulette table): "What for? There's no customers."

Vienna: "I like to hear it spin."

--Johnny Guitar

"...perhaps the solace in saudade, the unfulfilled melancholic longing, is where blue begins to turn shades of grey – a colour called Payne’s grey..."

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Dennis Cooper on Firbank with many links.

Half of the movie at night. Half of the painting blank. Half of the sculpture empty space. Half of the music silence. Half of the dance stillness. Half of the poem secret.

· Vortex ·.

"To bear a name is both terrible and necessary." --Don De Lillo, Ratner's Star (1976)

download a PDF of the CODEX SERAPHINIANUS.

( @archillect / via )

"I want meaning lodged somewhere I can see it but not quite get at it."

"Linear vs. non-linear was almost the most important battle of our time." --Michael Moorcock



This is a record of what has not been,
Is not, and never while time lasts can be.
It is a tale of lights down rain-gusts seen,--
Of midnight argent mad moon-archery.
Ah, life that vexes all men plagued us more!
And made us motes in winds that blew from far,--
Credulous of the whispers of a ghost,--
Fain of the light of some long-quenchรจd star.
What were you that I loved you? What was I
That I perturbed you? Shapes of restless sleep!
A shadow from a cloud that hurried by,--
A ripple of great powers that stirred the deep.
And we, too supple for life's storms to break,
Writhed at a dream's touch, for a shadow's sake!"

--Arthur Davison Ficke, Sonnets of a Portrait-Painter (1922)

Sarcastic gif.

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Endless experimentation ๐Ÿง‘‍๐Ÿ”ฌ๐Ÿงช๐Ÿง‘‍๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ“น✨.

Two languages sharing the same words, just applying them in different ways to different things. Their one shared belief, that this difference does not exist.

E5 + E3 passing.

"I can bear the thought that in a short time worms will eat away my body, but the idea of philosophy professors nibbling at my philosophy makes me shudder." --Schopenhauer, qtd in: Consolations of Philosophy

Clockwork City.

( via / via )

Blurry mechanism.

"The tragedy of writing was that its hiding place was its habitat, those secret and inaccessible desert places we seek to violate, like tombs, for miracles we'd have but can only blaspheme in the touching." --Alexander Theroux, Darconville's Cat (1981)

Gliding blob.

the new black maps are ready
your eyes cannot hold them
for all of you standing patiently in line
you will go home empty handed & like it

the new black maps have been printed
just to give your lostness a name
& to tell you ev'rything you ever wanted
has been placed on infinite layaway plan

the new black maps replace the old black maps
that were found to be far too helpful
& often gave the citizens using them
a subtle sense of accomplishment standing there

these are the new black maps
we guarantee they will be the last

Magnetic islands.

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GN ๐ŸŒˆ.

"To tell the truth, drink seemed the only protection against the lacerations of his mind, now that he was back in New York, his foot rocking away once more on the much touted ladder of success. At this time the famous ladder was propped against nothing and led nowhere, and anyone foolish enough to make the world his oyster was courting ptomaine; yet the ladder tradition was still observed, and until the flames reached them young people were still found going through the motions of climbing." --Dawn Powell, A Time to be Born (1942)

Who all has played Einstein in a film?

funest summer weather purls
a plan started drably once
a bitter crumble wish-flutter

wan uptake & rust Mothman
appalling across bounds drives

"Perhaps no movie better plays a great big guessing game about Hudson’s sexuality than Man’s Favorite Sport?.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

( via / me )


trail into the middle of the jungle
the jungle
is full of such trails

as a kind of reading

once trails were taken otherwise, i know

Big Wednesday.

will warp
deep spatial fabrics..."


It's Only Make Believe.

( via / via )

Red growing.

"The sun there sputters on the verge and goes
Whirled off in ashes; the earth swells after it,
It's night, and cruel things, talons and beaks,
Dash criss-cross in the dark..."

--Trumbull Stickney

Spiral of spirals.

"The Dead

The graves grow deeper.
The dead are more dead each night.

Under the elms and the rain of leaves,
The graves grow deeper.

The dark folds of the wind
Cover the ground. The night is cold.

The leaves are swept against the stones.
The dead are more dead each night.

A starless dark embraces them.
Their faces dim.

We cannot remember them
Clearly enough. We never will."

--Mark Strand, Reasons for Moving (1968)

god’s gonna cut u down.

( @spaceliminalbot 2-24-21 / via )

"A flood covers a country every day! Is this normal?" (via @gretathunberg)

"Temples (palindromic haiku)

Lonely temple hen.
I - a cock calm - lack cocaine.
Help me, Tylenol."


I got you a coffee ✨.

"pain is not a flower pain is the root" --Paul Monette

* ฮธฮฎฯ„ฮฑ *.

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Tree of life with sundry birds.

"And all its savage multitudinous crags
Besieged the silent sky..."

--Anna Hempstead Branch, Nimrod

Seeing daylight.

among the chair legs
for the final piece
of the jigsaw"

--Mark Gilbert

๐Ÿ’ฅ Working on something ๐Ÿ’ฅ.

( via / me )

No Kiowa daw, O ikon.

barricade for sad cars
surfeit of dusk walgbale
not aneled by sidecars
wide whitewalls the bugbear


"I didn't agree with his actions as a president at the time, but now that he's retired I'd love to sit down for a beer and talk poetry with Radovan Karadลพiฤ‡!" --Deece B J Pancake on Metafilter

The Waste Land in 5 limericks

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

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'Trust me,' Adolfo said. 'Do you like high heels?'

Vampish deadpan. 'I like very high heels.' We smiled.

'Show me which ones. I’ll bring them in your size.'

Moments when straight men make such offers are far too rare in this life."

"And hunted shadows knowing they were shades" --Orion

i asked zeroscope for spooky ghosts ๐Ÿ‘ป.

the earth will sweeten this spot
with the years, with the years
forgetting all our spite
the earth will sweeten this spot
the things we did for sport
& what the faith requires
the earth will sweeten this spot

with the years, with the years


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Tomorrow we will play the game of fate.


The piers are pummelled by the waves;
In a lonely field the rain
Lashes an abandoned train;
Outlaws fill the mountain caves.

Fantastic grow the evening gowns;
Agents of the Fisc pursue
Absconding tax-defaulters through
The sewers of provincial towns.

Private rites of magic send
The temple prostitutes to sleep;
All the literati keep
An imaginary friend.

Cerebrotonic Cato may
Extol the Ancient Disciplines,
But the muscle-bound Marines
Mutiny for food and pay.

Caesar's double-bed is warm
As an unimportant clerk
On a pink official form.

Unendowed with wealth or pity,
Little birds with scarlet legs,
Sitting on their speckled eggs,
Eye each flu-infected city.

Altogether elsewhere, vast
Herds of reindeer move across
Miles and miles of golden moss,
Silently and very fast."

--W H Auden, via BLCKDGRD blog

Space goblincore piece in progress.

"Starfish, poinsettia on a half-tide crag,
a galliard by Byrd."

--Basil Bunting


( via / via via @violetbondart )

monogrid 7a [64x64px].

"The human race, to which so many of my readers belong, has been playing at children's games from the beginning, and will probably do it till the end. Which is a nuisance for the few people who grow up." --G K Chesterton

๐Ÿงจ✨ 80s Kodachrome 25 8mm ๐ŸŽž️ Developed in caffenol.

the pacts we make
to stymie time & death
are three parts murk

the pacts we make
turn ricochet & mock,
bring riddling dearth

the pacts we make
to stymie time & death

ะ”ะตะฝะตะฑ ะะปัŒะดะถะตะดะธ.

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Strange and unprepared...

"And will they also laugh in the dark days?


But they will. Later. About how they thought those early dark days were dark."


one-oh-nine in Rome & long forgotten harm
   unfurls its army, one-oh-nine in Rome

shade's another world as i sip purloined Keurig
   & curry Pyrrhic shades, another world

where we cannot live assails my twitter feed
   with all roads leading where we cannot live

Thoroughly enjoying this new era of cursed incoherent text-to-video.

"autumn nightfall
in the whole empty meadow"

--@poem_exe 8-19-19


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"Women who have been disappeared by violence are howling. The voices of disappeared women are echoing. I sing with these voices."

"...and of all forms of comedy, cults, I think, are the funniest." --Wyman Guin

๐™ฟ͢๐š‘͢๐šข͢๐šœ͢๐š’͢๐šŒ͢๐šŠ͢๐š•͢ -͢ ๐™ณ͢๐š’͢๐š͢๐š’͢๐š͢๐šŠ͢๐š•͢ -͢ ๐™ถ͢๐™ผ͢..

i sing to kill the days in the garden of proof
the mind's its own bad maze in the garden of proof

all the grace that reason should supply
like shrapnel ricochets in the garden of proof

nothing translatable of what they keep
the jouking pilgrim lays in the garden of proof

crawling through dusty ruins, explorers probe
the dregs of other days, in the garden of proof

but what does Graywyvern care if the crown of toys
in rage & fear decays, in the garden of proof?

continuum #76.