"Dear friend,
I hope this finds you well.
I am writing to you today, to inform you about serious charges the
Government of Jordan has accused me of, which might lead to imprisonment.
The accusation is based on verses in some poems I wrote 22 years ago.
These accusations vary from "offending the Jordanian State and the armed
forces, raising internal conflicts and unrest, and presenting distorted
information on the events of September 1970 to the new generations".
As you can see, these accusations are groundless. It is a clear case of
violating the basic human rights, specifically the freedom of expression.
The Jordanian Writer Association has condemned this action and called
upon the Government of Jordan to stop this violation and to immediately drop
the charges against me. Many Jordanian and Arab associations and human
rights organizations have voiced concern and joined the campaign protesting
against this action. Nevertheless, the Government still insists on its
accusations and the charges are now submitted to the Court of Law. If
condemned I'll be facing a prison sentence from 6 to 36 months.
For this, and because I know that you personally would not accept such
violation, I call on you to join the solidarity campaign initiated by
The Jordanian Writer Association, and write to the Jordanian government in
protest against this action. I will appreciate it if you can circulate
this call among friends, media and associations in your country and
worldwide. The addresses of the concerned Government organizations to write to are
the following:
Warmest Wishes,
Ibrahim Nasrallah" (via Po*ts Against th* War N*wsl*tt*r)
And when the end justifies the means, there are always a thousand untold consequences. We are beginning to glimpse them now."
Good work by my Significant Half.