To a Military RifleThe times come round again;
The private life is small;
And individual men
Are counted not at all.
Now life is general.
And the bewildered Muse.
Thinking what she has done,
Confronts the daily news.
Blunt emblem, you have won:
With carven stock unbroke,
With core of steel, with crash
Of mass, and fading smoke;
Your fire leaves little ash;
Your balance on the arm
Points whither you intend;
Your bolt is smooth with charm.
When other concepts end,
This concept, hard and pure,
Shapes every mind therefor. [
The time is yours, be sure,
Old Hammerhead of War.
I cannot write your praise
When young men go to die;
Nor yet regret the ways
That ended with this hour.
The hour has come. And I,
Who alter nothing, pray
That men, surviving you,
May learn to do and say
The difficult and true,
True shape of death and power."
--Yvor Winters, op cit