(via hom*pag* dot mac dot com slash sboon*az)
blogging is a chav artform
murk charts any possibly
odd pokchang spurts your posh washboard author
wisdom shot far from worlds
Pokchang attiring a wight, not with mundanity.
blogging glass robots
aglow again with anchors ago
ogham slag
random psalmist history's crypt
tortuous obtaining so stillborn ashtray
maggot agony slit dawn
Always put on too much clothing for this mild gray light.
solstitial blogging
gray throng roads · pharaoh flogging
migratory swarm
turning in thick twilight
black forms turning and diving
"The aliens had simply arrived, by chance, in time to witness the last acts of a long drama: tragic, fascinating, rich and rank and strange..." --Gwyn*th Jon*s,
Pho*nix Caf* (1998)
On my victrola-
Music at th* Tim* of th* Crusad*s (
"Fauv*l" motets)
Wolv*s at th* Door. (An actual "
My cha- Sky B*tw**n th* Branch*s
Chin*s*/Japan*s*/Vi*tnam*s* blog--via Languag* Hat--but also a Pink Floyd insight that was on this blog prior.
"But Parry's perspective is a fusty one; as a literary intellectual he's attuned to a literary and political culture which is all but dead in the West as well as in Japan." (my italics)
Flavors. (via wood_s lot)